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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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8:00 - noon: DT class for the jail employees. I felt that the class went really well, and we had some good comments and good reception. For a lot of our guys, this was their first exposure to anything hands-on, and it went really well. It did open up some eyes.

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bushido man, glad to hear that it was well received by your people.



20 min running clock of-

5 pull ups

10 push ups

15 squats


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Almost forgot, bushido man,- what skill sets did you work with for your DT program?

I've been doing a bit of work in the design area myself these days and am always curious to see how other people are putting things together.

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Class with my sons

- Swing and roundhouse kicks (ag. targets)

- Roundhouses and knife hands (ag. targets)

- Self-defense techniques

- Pyung Ahn Cho Dan

The boys received a red stripe on their orange belts (that makes five out of the eight they'll need before being allowed to test for green belt), as well as two chocolate chip cookies each. :)


Leg stretches

Front swing kicks

Kicking exercises lying on floor:

- roundhouse and side kicks

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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5 , 2 min rounds of sparring:

round 1- boxing skills

round 2- boxing and clinch

round 3- boxing, clinch, takedown

round 4- boxing, clinch, takedown, grapple

round 5- boxing, clinch, takedown, grapple with hand strikes

10 min instructional block on triangle to armbar series

3, 3 min rounds for free roll from knees

3, 3 min rounds of free roll from standing

my high single continues to improve.

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Almost forgot, bushido man,- what skill sets did you work with for your DT program?

I've been doing a bit of work in the design area myself these days and am always curious to see how other people are putting things together.

We started off with working on using the forearms as a form of striking, and worked it a little bit from the statue drill that Hock's system uses. We also did some striking on BOB. We were going to have everyone do a minute on BOB, but we nixed it for this time, but will revisit that idea later on. We also worked on a relaxed "fence" type of position, to get them ready to react. We did a towel-snatching drill, that helped to illustrate being behind the reaction curve. That opened up some eyes.

From there, we worked on the wrist twist throw/takedown, the one commonly called kote gashi in Japanese MA parlance. Then, we did the arm bar. We worked both from a one-handed push and a two-handed push. We did a little bit from a strike, but not too much. After introducing both of these, we were able to show them that no matter which way that they end up grabbing hold of someone's wrist, they either have the wrist twist, or the arm bar to get to. We worked on the hammerlock after that.

With each of the techniques, we made sure that they spent time just aquiring the grips on the hand. We did at least ten on each side, making sure that they were getting a really strong hold on the hand. Good for building the muscle memory.

In the end, everyone got to take me down a couple of times, so everyone enjoyed that a lot. :) Coming back to work tonight, I got a few emails from some of the other officers, stating how much they liked the training, and they would like to see more of it. So, hopefully, it'll become a "thing."

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Glad to hear that it was so well recieved bushido man. I just got done working with DT for swat entry and apparently I'm now supposed to put together a lesson plan for brining non-compliant people out of cars. It's good to see what everyone else is doing and how they are structuring this sort of program as I get tapped to do more and more of this stuff. Now if I can just keep from getting myself or anyone else hurt :) .


alot like yeasterdays since we had a different crew.

5, 3 min rounds (only 30 sec rests)

1- boxing only, focus on what we've been working on mitts recently live

2- add clinch, try to tranisiton smooth and control the infight

3- add takedowns. i keep working my wrestling skills at this phase

4- add grappling. work on getting good position from takedown primarily

5- add hand strikes while on the ground. gond control while striking is key

I'd add kicks and leg attacks as well, but we've got two guys with nagging shin and/or foot problems so we've laid off a bit.

15 min of work on triangle and armbar series from guard.

3, 3 min rounds of free roll from knees

stopped to review mount escapes and maintaining the mount for 10

1, 3 min free roll from standing.

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Class with the boys

- Ki Cho callouts

- backfist, punch, front kick against squeaky targets on WaveMaster

- first two one-step sparring techniques, "arm" strapped on WaveMaster

- after class, boys made up their own form as they went along dojang floor

Before class, I did Pyung Ahn E Dan in dojang; at home after class, did Pyung Ahn Cho Dan with the boys


Leg stretches

Front swing kicks

Kicking exercises lying on floor:

- roundhouse and side kicks

One-step sparring exercises; Self-defense techniques


- Ki Cho Hyungs (Il, E, Sam Bu)

- Pyung Ahn Cho Dan

- Chil Sung E Ro Hyung

- Pyung Ahn E Dan

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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That's cool that you get to work on stuff like that, tallgeese. I'd love to be able to get in on some training like that. I really hope to start getting some range time in soon, too. Just got to get that gun ordered.


100 push-ups

Week 4, Day 1: 18, 22, 16, 16, 30 (needed 25) = 102



Bench press: 205x6

Seated cable row: 170x6, fail

Military press: 115x7, 8 fail

Lat pull-down: 150x8

Machine curl: 50x6

Triceps push-downs: 165x4


Cable crunches: 105x25, 20

Ab wheel: 10

Cardio: Bike for 25 minutes, stretch.

TKD class: 6:00 - 7:00. There was an instructor seminar over this last weekend, and it appears that there are some different things that we are going to be doing with basics now. Some of them, I feel, would be more appropriate for higher ranked students, but we'll see how they play out. Being out all last week really showed up in class on Tuesday.

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