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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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9th Jan 2023

9 - 12 Taught a Monster Class of 30 People (they stay for the entire duration). We in depth reviewed absolutely everything from 9th Kyu (White Belt) to Nidan (2nd Dan).

Could easily have spent the whole day reviewing things. Many of our students had a "Oh yeah" moment, which as an instructor is awesome.

That's an awesome sized class! Sounds like a great time!

Zaine, it looks like your on pace to go over your goal!


Not a lot today, just an easy half hour on the elliptical with my wife at the gym.

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Strength Training

Squats: 45x5x2, 135x5, 185x3, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5.

Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 85x3, 105x5, 105x5, 105x5.

Took videos of my squat to form check myself. I need to let my knees travel just a touch further forward and then lock them in. Third set looked the best. My shoulder was feeling really good today when pressing. I sat in the sauna for about 15 minutes after, and before class started.


Was just wondering : are you mainly restricting the lifting workouts to 2-3 lifts per day or is there stuff you are not recording?

Was just curious as if the former maybe a couple more lighter accessory exercises might help with some of the stability things etc? I know that they can help for me quite a bit - indeed you had pointed out to me that i wasn't doing enough single leg work really ages ago and i have been trying to add some in and it seems to help :)

regardless, they are solid sessions. Is a good solid block of training :)

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Yes, the sessions are 2 or 3 lifts each, focusing on the big movements; squat, press, deadlift. My knees hurt too much to do any power cleans or snatches right now, and the accessory stuff really isn't a priority right now. Every lift I do is recorded.

I don't recall suggesting any single-leg movements lately; you'd have to point that out to me. I don't particularly like movements like the Bulgarian split squats.


Solo Training: 30 minutes of basic nunchaku work again; watched the first video from the channel I checked out originally. It consisted of moves he referred to as "simple ups," "front switches," "inward figure-eights," and I think "outside circle and catch."

Strength Training

Deadlifts: 135x5, 185x5, 245x3, 315x1, 355x5.

Pin Bench Press: 95x5, 105x5, 105x5.

Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 85x3, 110x5, 110x5, 110x5.

Bar is floating away on the deadlift now, and it's really frustrating. I'm doing everything I can think of to stop it; closing the armpits, pointing the elbows back, trying to put my shoulders "in the back pockets," and nothing seems to be helping.

I thought I'd give pin bench presses a try, to see if I could eliminate some shoulder pain by limiting the range of motion. It didn't really help, so I went back to pressing, which is better on my shoulders.

TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-Shirt Class. Stretched a little in The Rack, then did forms. Did two reps of Choong Jang, then did all the colored belt forms: Chong Ji, Dan Gun, Boo Chung, Do San, Won Hyo, Yul Gok, Jung Goon, Toi Gye, Hwa Rang, and Choong Moo. I can't hardly do the flying side kick in Choong Moo anymore; it hurts my left knee too much to land on that leg after kicking, and it hurts to push off to jump.

Choong Jang hyung count: 22

Total hyung count: 44

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Solo Training: 30 minutes of nunchaku again. 2nd class, adding to previous class and putting things together.

Did 30 minutes on the elliptical in the evening.

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Bar is floating away on the deadlift now, and it's really frustrating. I'm doing everything I can think of to stop it; closing the armpits, pointing the elbows back, trying to put my shoulders "in the back pockets," and nothing seems to be helping.

I thought I'd give pin bench presses a try, to see if I could eliminate some shoulder pain by limiting the range of motion. It didn't really help, so I went back to pressing, which is better on my shoulders.

The deadlift one sounds odd since you seem to be following all of the accepted queues. Only one i haven't heard you mention is the "wedge" one for setup, and pulling back rather than up (though am sure you do both of them already).

Only other thing i could think of would be has your foot position in relation to the bar changed at all? Maybe your ankle dorsiflexion has improved and even though your shins are still touching the bar at the start your feet are slightly further away leading to some drift?

Only other option i can think of is if you know of a good personal trainer/coach that you would trust, book in a session and get them to look at it and comment. Might even be worth trying one of the online coaching specialists and seeing if they would critique from video?

Otherwise good luck. Numbers are still looking good though in spite of the drifting!

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DarthPenguin, there are times when it seems like the only thing that helps on the deadlift is leaning into my heels, but I'd rather not do it that way. However, it may just be necessary going forward.


Strength Training

Squats: 45x5x2, 135x5, 185x3, 230x5, 230x5, 230x5.

Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 85x3, 112.5x5, 112.5x5, 112.5x5.

Snatch Grip Deadlifts: 165x3, 225x2, 255x5, 255x5.

Pretty good session today. Switching to 2.5 lb jumps on press going forward, and also starting to add the belt. Snatch-deads are still rolling along. As long as I use chalk, grip is solid, and not a factor yet. If I lose concentration on a rep, and don't lift my chest to start, it will drift, but unlike the deadlift, I find it easy to correct.

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MA Training

500/1000 kata completed! Half way through!

30 minute bike ride - 10k

I've been lazy about doing weight stuff, and I need to get back into the habit of it. I don't find it as personally fun as cardio and MA work. I need to find a way to find joy in lifting. Maybe I can find a podcast I can listen to while lifting to associate enjoyment with it.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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