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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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So, I've been off a week while we've been finishing our new facility. Tonight marked our first night in our new gym!

Congrats on getting into your new facility! That's got to be a great feeling!


Defensive Tactics for the Departments: 12:00 - 2:00 pm; my January offering for Dept DT. Worked primarily on the Krav Maga choke defenses, and on cleaning up the pluck motion, and footwork. Front choke, side choke, rear choke, front choke with push, rear choke with push, front choke against a wall, and rear choke against a wall. Finished up with some GRACIE mount reversals; UMPA and UMPA with swim and trap.

Wrestling Practice: 6:00 - 7:00 pm.

Stand-ups from referee position. From bottom and on back, worked on bridging to make space and the dropping and hip heist to belly, then recover base. From top referee's position, worked on crashing the arm to half-Nelson.

In the intermediate practice, Kendall got to work on chicken wing & single wrist, and a double chicken wing. These were great pinning moves.


TKD Workout: 11:45 - 12:00 pm. White belt material.

Chon Ji x2

Palgwe 1 x2

Taeguek 1 x2

Songham 1 x2

TTA white belt one-steps (7) x2

ATA white belt one-steps (3) x2

Choong Jang (4th dan form) x2


Defensive Tactics for the Departments: 12:00 - 2:00 pm.

Focused on the Krav Maga choke defenses (front, side, rear, front with push, rear with push, front on wall, rear on wall), and spent a little time on handgun disarm from the front. Really focused on cleaning up the pluck again, and on working the footwork.

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Drilled side mount to knee in. Subbed with far side arm bar then baseball bat choke.

35 min free roll.

PTK: drilled strike mechanics on 1 and 2. Drilled precision and circle. Moved into knife work building on the work with the stick.

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Drilled side to mount transition with pressure followed by leg thread method. Cross collar choke variant.

40 min free roll.

PTK: Knife work, fluid slashing, thrusting, inverted grip flows. Bridging with the knife. Technical sparring.

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Drilled punch block sequence. Move to spider guard, then sweep.

30 min free roll.


Drilled side mount to S Mount transition. Same side arm bar, far side omo, triangle.

45 min free roll

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This log is a great idea, and I'll give it a try although I am nowhere near everybody's level. In fact I am just starting after years of no exercising at all.

My goals are: to put fitness in my life in the form of walking, bodyweight and kata training. All at home and by myself, but of course I have this forum as well. I have already received great advice.

Before trying kata, I'll try to get in some sort of shape by other means, in order to get my body moving again.

Anyway, here we go.

February 8

3 mile walk from Leslie Sansone's DVD. I had no problem keeping up, I wasn't out of breath and it was pleasant. Which surprised me. I used hand weights towards the end, and that made a difference in the arm exercises.

Today I feel a little sore in several places in my upper and lower body, but not around my waist and tummy. I shall have to focus on those areas as well.

I'll walk a few more days before I get into further training. I'm using this time to read and learn more, and to devise a better plan of action.

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This log is a great idea, and I'll give it a try although I am nowhere near everybody's level. In fact I am just starting after years of no exercising at all.

My goals are: to put fitness in my life in the form of walking, bodyweight and kata training. All at home and by myself, but of course I have this forum as well. I have already received great advice.

Before trying kata, I'll try to get in some sort of shape by other means, in order to get my body moving again.

Anyway, here we go.

February 8

3 mile walk from Leslie Sansone's DVD. I had no problem keeping up, I wasn't out of breath and it was pleasant. Which surprised me. I used hand weights towards the end, and that made a difference in the arm exercises.

Today I feel a little sore in several places in my upper and lower body, but not around my waist and tummy. I shall have to focus on those areas as well.

I'll walk a few more days before I get into further training. I'm using this time to read and learn more, and to devise a better plan of action.

That's what this log is all about! Keep track of what you do, and log and improve. Its also to provide training ideas or methods that others use. Glad you're in here! :karate:


Wrestling: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Worked stand-ups, single and double leg takedowns. In Kendall's practice, they worked on some moves to get out of bad spots, and on the tilt for scoring points.


Warm-up with Chon Ji, Palgwe 1, Taeguek 1, Songham 1, and ATA and TTA white belt one-steps.

Defensive Tactics Club: 1:30 - 2:45 pm. Kimura from guard, to blocking Kimura and hip bump sweep, then to full mount reversal to arm bar. Also worked on 2 head lock defenses, one version stepping around to the front and dropping and rolling them over, and the second with the attacker in a wider base, stepping through his legs to sit down, scooping the inside leg with the inside hand and rolling them over to mount. From there, we finished with strikes and got up, or went to an arm bar.

Wrestling: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Kids did lots of live wrestling, focusing on stances in neutral position. Then they alternated top/bottom position, and did relays for conditioning at the end.


TKD Workout:

Chon Ji, Palgwe 1, Taeguek 1, Songham 1, 4x each. ATA/TTA white belt one-steps, through each one once.

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Ran a private with one of the purple belts. Focused on getting building form from bottom.


Drilled north/ south position and transitions. Hit kimura and armbar

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TKD Workout:

Chon Ji, Palgwe 1, Taeguek 1, Songham 1, in that order, 6x each.

Wrestling: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Worked on taking shots with double leg takedowns. Used holding the wrist to shoot, and also holding the wrists and circling to get an angle, then shoot. Mainly, holding the wrists is to stay close and shoot in close. After some reps, worked live Wrestling once the designated Wrestler shot his takedown. Then worked on stand-ups, then added in quick circling steps to takedown after stand-up.

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Drilled north/ south position and breaking grips. Attacked with papercutter choke followed by arm bar.

40 min free roll.

PTK drilled knife bridging and etchi keti and sune keti from the 4 wall.

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