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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Day 1 of PTK QTC course. Covered fundamental footwork, long blade form and flow. Took bridging into accountand moved into distance and technical sparring methods. B


Day 2. Advanced footwork. Moved into the first sets of knife forms. Addressed them in contecxt. Moved close range and worked tapping and ambush drills all out of the forms and then learned drilling methods.

Finished off with jabbing and flow knife as well as empty hand.

What is this course you are doing? Sounds very interesting.

I was also curious if you had a system you use for handgun or long gun disarm/retention for your department. Do you have one system you use for DT, or a few things pulled from different places to round it all out?

Off thread topic, but-

Which is why it is not a bad idea (though some may tend to disagree) to use weights, as it makes form a much more conscious thing.

The same could be said for pushups/pullups/kicks/punches to exhaustion though, but it is those last few reps after your body wants to give up (and when you have to make your mind push through the barrier) that increase skill and endurance and push past plateaus.

I agree, weights are great for squats. But everyone is afraid of them. But the same people who are afraid to squat due to back and knees have no qualms with putting 300 or 400 lbs on just their elbows. :roll: Kudos to you for doing all that squatting! I'm trying to get myself back into it, as well.

Also in the EP (Exercise Physiology) world we tell clients to stop when their form starts to drop. And that is irregardless of what exercise their doing

I can see the importance here. But, I also see how it can be important to burn out once in a while; just not that regularly.

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Forms. Fluid 5 with the long blade. Knife thrusting forms, sak sak and pakal grip. Transitions to slashes as well.

Cool down with specific footwork only rehearsal.

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Day 1 of PTK QTC course. Covered fundamental footwork, long blade form and flow. Took bridging into accountand moved into distance and technical sparring methods. B


Day 2. Advanced footwork. Moved into the first sets of knife forms. Addressed them in contecxt. Moved close range and worked tapping and ambush drills all out of the forms and then learned drilling methods.

Finished off with jabbing and flow knife as well as empty hand.

What is this course you are doing? Sounds very interesting.

I was also curious if you had a system you use for handgun or long gun disarm/retention for your department. Do you have one system you use for DT, or a few things pulled from different places to round it all out?

I've been working as often as I can over most of the year with a Pekiti Tersia Kali instructor that I met in March thru a mutual friend. So that the system I've been really working weapons thru. Aside from that, I've been studying some other brands of kali via privates.

I was real lucky to get time with Prof. Harris and got to get his introduction to ilustrisimo kali as well.

That said, most of my time has been spent doing solo work that these instructors have sent me on my way to work on. The one speaking to me the most is PTK.

The seminar was a fundamentals course that they require to run a training group under the coach's supervision. This lets me work up regular training partners in addition to my trips to Addison to train with my coach. It's slow going that way, but all I can manage on top of the time I'm committed to jiu jitsu.

I had dabbled in the FMA's back in college but had moved out of them since. this has been a really good time to get back in and I'm loving it.

As far as weapon disarms we still use the PPCT handgun disarms. Believe it or not, as much as I detest that program, they are pretty good on this particular facet. We've even tested it with the Sims under the conditions of people TRYING to press the trigger with great results. 1 hit in 25 disarms. If you want I have footage I can send your way. Their retention on the other hand.....

For that we use Danny Halligan's material quite a bit. We've found that it's just better and easier to teach. Additionally, his holster lift work great on the ground for most models.

Long gun is another matter that PPCT is actually okay on. Particularly the retention. As to disarm I'm suspect on most everything I've seen. Not to mention I've always wondered how one would get there. That said, I'm starting to play with some PTK patterns in regard to it. The particular breed I belong do does a lot of combatives work so it's part of the lesson plans. I'm still deciding but I'll let you know.

We have a real progressive set up at the dept. I work for in regards to training. We've incorporated several sources and streamlined it to work together within our GO's. It's gotten real good feedback and we have two other departments using it. Makes me want to get it State approved and go on the road.

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I agree, weights are great for squats. But everyone is afraid of them. But the same people who are afraid to squat due to back and knees have no qualms with putting 300 or 400 lbs on just their elbows. :roll: Kudos to you for doing all that squatting! I'm trying to get myself back into it, as well.

Haha, thanks! I can't say I will be making that an everyday thing though! :lol:

I think its quite funny that a lot of people will spend hours toning and building a small muscle such as the biceps, but neglect big muscles such as the triceps, glutes and quadriceps.

1 August 2014.

-20min light sparring.

-20min kata.

2 August 2014.

-120min trampolining. Focus on getting my backflips back into good form, and was taught some great new tricks such as wall running and beginning of how to do a corkscrew (which I found very cool). Used foam pits to drill front flips.

3 August 2014.

-Went to the Australian National Kyokushin Championships in Sydney. A great day! One of our fighters took first place in his division, which was a great accomplishment considering the caliber of fighters there.

No actual training other than a quick warm up with the fighters.

5 August 2014.

The pain of trampolining and flipping for so long hit me! My obliques are quite sore, therefore:

-Light stretching including some raja yoga, 15min.

-Kihon, very basic, 10min.

-Kata 10min.

-Stretch down, 5min.

EDIT: Add 10min of slow solo single-knife work to that!

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Most of the lesson done with eyes closed! :o

  • Kihon kata ni.
    All stances practiced - transition from one to another etc etc
    All shodan kata

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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Drilled Fluid Five form, followed by Multiple Strike form. Centerline clearing footwork, fluid off line, diamond, L, M and N patterns of footwork as well.

Finished with sayaw (free form PTK work, like carenza)


AM workout with Groinstrike! Boxing for a couple rounds (wow, how long has it been since I've done that!) and moved into knife form and application.

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Thanks for the info, tallgeese. I do like what I've done with Krav on the disarms, both hand gun and long gun. They are all close-quarters, so you are already in there when it starts. I just need to spend some more time with them is all. GRACIE also offers some interesting weapons retention, especially in the holster, that Krav doesn't have (or I haven't seen). I'm not familiar with the PPCT rentions or disarms.


TKD Class: Taught, 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Basics, forms, one-steps, and some sparring.


I was filtering through my MA notebook, and found some old "forms workouts" I put together years ago for working on belt-specific requirements when I was in the ATA. So, I'm going to try an experiment. I'm basically going to start myself over, and run myself on 2 month testing cycles, doing these workouts I put together years ago, but I'll do my current forms instead of the ATA forms. I have them set up for 6 days of the week, and should cover about 30 minutes per workout.

Monday White Belt Form Workout:

Front kicks: #1,2,3,4 front kicks from front stance, doing as a floor drill.

Blocks and strikes: from sitting stance, a) high blocks; b) middle blocks; c) down blocks; d) knife hand strikes; e) middle punches; I did alternating hands, 30 total of each.

Chon Ji hyung, 2 times, then stretched.

TKD Class: Taught, 6:00 - 7:10 pm. Worked basics, reviewed forms from white belt to blue belt, then Gae Baek, one-steps from white belt up, then had them do some round-robin sparring. I had two high blue belts, one low blue belt, and two 2nd degrees in class tonight, so was able to really move along. I even hopped in with them on one-steps.


Tuesday White Belt Form Workout:

Side kicks: #1,2,3,4 from sitting stance, as a floor drill. Around 5-8 minutes.

Front kicks: from natural ready position, alternatint front kicks to a target pad I attached to my standing bag, doing 20 per set, 4 sets, as high as I could, as fast as I could.

Also sprinkled in some of my rehab exercises.

Chon Ji hyung a couple of times, and stretched.

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6 Aug 2014.

-Warm up: Stretching, lunges, squats, skipping and box jumps.

-Pushups to exhaustion.

Weights superset 1:

-Benchpress: 20, 15, 12, 10, 5, 8, 16.

-Lat pulldown: 20, 15, 12, 10, 5, 8, 16.

Weights superset 2:

-Dumbbell incline press 12, 12, 12, 12.

-One arm row (each arm) 12, 12, 12, 12.

Weights superset 3:

-Pecdeck: 10, 10, 10, 10.

-Seated row: 10, 10, 10, 10.

-Pushups to exhaustion.

Drilled sets of kicks, 20 each leg with 30sec high intensity skipping or star jumps in-between each set:

-Chudan Mae Geri.

-Chudan Yoko Geri.

-Chudan Mawashi Geri.

-Chudan Ushiro Geri.

-Mae Chudan Ushiro Geri.

-Kaiten Jodan Mae Geri.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Got a late workout in outside. PTK footwork, L, M, and N patterns. Some light flow then into distance sparring and technical sparring.

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7 Aug 2014.

-Dynamic warm up.

-Pushups to exhaustion.

Weights superset 1:

-Back squat: 20/15/12/10/5/8/16.

-V-bar tricep extension: 20-/15/12/10/5/8/16.

Superset 2:

-Leg curl 12/12/10/10.

-One arm tricep extension 12/12/10/10.

Superset 3:

-Kettlebell goblet squat 10/10/10/10.

-Sitting two arm tricep extension 10/10/10/10.

-Kihon (Tsuki, Shuto, Uke, etc), 20min.

-Warm down.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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