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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Defensive Tactics club: 1:00 pm - 2:30.

Bag work, 6 rounds of kicking, 5 rounds of punching, 1 min rounds with 1 min rest during the kicking session, and 30 second rest during the punching session.

Kicking rounds: hop together round kicks, back leg round kick/spin side kick combo, double round kicks (Olympic style), spinning hook kicks, front push kicks, front or back leg side kicks.

Punching rounds: jabs, crosses, elbows, uppercuts/hooks, all inclusive.


DT work: worked on some weapons retention, on the ground and standing. Did some ground work from the guard as well as the mount, and standing weapon retention from the strong side grab, weak side grab, two handed grab, and grab from behind. We also worked to cuffing positions.

TKD class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Taught basics, forms starting at Won Hyo, and then one-steps. The lowest rank in the class was a high green belt, so I jumped in with the class for most of the basics, so I could get some work in, too.

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Aikido: 8:30 - 9:30 am. I was invited to a workout session called "300's." It consisted of the following:

31 shikko laps (down the floor counted as one, and back counted as one).

25 push-ups.

50 sit-ups.

50 downward jo strikes with squat (legs hated that, after I got done and tried to walk).

50 forward rolls.

50 backward rolls.

50 forward breakfalls.

Upon conclusion, I stood and yelled out, "THIS, IS, SPARTA!" (no, not really).

Then I stretched.

This is a routine I guess that is done at the AAA Hombu dojo by Toyoda Sensei, and he and one other guy do it in 15 minutes as a warm-up. I guess the goal is 15 minutes. My goal is to be able to walk tomorrow.

Shikko that much was tiring, but the most problem was with my toes bending and feeling uncomfortable. It got better as I went, but it was a very steady pace. Some might call it slow. The jo strikes didn't feel too bad at the time, but afterwards, when I tried to walk over to get a drink, my legs protested, a lot. The push-ups and sit-ups I had to do in varying sets to get through them, and the rolling was segmented to stifle the dizzyness.

All in all, it was a good workout, and maybe I'll get to do it some more in the future.

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Drilled side to knee in position by a different manner than Monday. Far side arm bar and lapel choke variant.

35 min free roll.

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60 minute free roll


Drilled knee in belly transitions. Baseball bat choke variant and arm bar.

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PTK footwork. Knife forms.


PTK form work. Single stick.


Drilled escapes from bottom side.

40 min free roll.

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Defensive Tactics club: 1:00 - 2:00 pm. Worked on some of the weapons rentention in the GRACIE set, both standing and on the ground.

Department DT Training: 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Covered a lot of the GRACIE system with the fella that showed up. Worked headlock defenses (to cuffing, and to an armbar, then to cuffing), standing and ground weapon rentention, and cuffing procedures.


Defensive Tactics club: 1:00 - 3:30 pm. I took Kendall along to this today, since he didn't have school. For a warm-up, he and I worked on some stance work, some shot/re-shot work, and some sprawling into the Iowa (because he loves that move so much). Then we basically did some free rolling together, which consisted of him pummelling me for probably around 10 minutes or so. Its amazing how much energy an 8 year old has. Then for the rest of club, when the students showed up, we did GRACIE material review, since I am going to re-cert for that this week. I started at the beginning, doing punch defense, getting to clinch and takedown from behind, UMPA escape, UMPA swim and trap, elbow escape, then UMPA/elbow combination, Americana from mount, guard passing, headlock defenses, standing and ground weapon retention. I didn't get through all the material, but got quite a bit of it down, and I should be good to go with the re-cert, I think.

One of the guys that showed up to club after we had been started for a while opted to wrestle with Kendall. He was a high school wrestler, and it was really cool of him to work with Kendall. They focused on some takedown work, getting back to base, and wrestled for quite a long time. Kendall got some really good work in.

At the end of club, there were three matches that went, and Kendall got to do one of them wrestling. All in all, a good day at club.

TKD class: Taught from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. The lowest rank in class was a high green belt, so I jumped in for basics again. It made me tired, but I need to get the work in, so I did. I also did Yoo Sin hyung prior to class as a warm-up. Even though basics were wearing me out, I put us through at a pretty good pace. Forms were Won Hyo, Yul Gok, Joong Gun, Hwa Rang, Choong Moo, Do-Kang 1, Poe Eun, Gae Baek. Worked in one-steps, and sparring. I stretched, too.

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GRACIE Re-certification: Day 1, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. Doing an overall review of all the material from the course. Good workout, and it was good to see some familiar faces from our time at the course last year. One more day to go, and its always a blast to train with Royce! :karate:

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Cool deal, Brian!


PTK night. Reviewed footwork and moved into new material Drilled new knife pattern and then translated this to unarmed tactics. Strikes and standing grappling training out of the system.

I spend so much time doing work on PTK solo it's always great to get together with the my coach in the art and work out previous details and move forward.

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GRACIE Re-certification: Day 2, 8:00 am - noon. Started off working weapon retention from mount and guard, and then reviewed standing weapon retention. We also worked drop-and-draw against knife attack, and worked close up knife attack defenses. Then spent time reviewing all material, cleaning up some nuances along the way.

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