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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Weights - approx an 3 hr split across 6hr.

Stair runs - approx an 1 hr split across 6hr.


Short Run


40 situps

100 leg lifts! (lower core)

Weights 30 mins - shoulders - arms -wrists.

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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Labor Day weekend:

Plenty of paddling, so my back and shoulders got a great workout. That said, I managed to offset any and all health benefits with excessive food and alcohol consumption.



1.5 mile run


light chest


Drilled escaping the arm bar from top of guard. Couple of variants.

30 min free roll.

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Body burn!

'diamond' jumps.

(Like a star jump, but you clap your hands and feet together at the top of the jump) - 1 min.

Immediately followed by:

Squats, touching left foot with right hand and visa verse - 1 min

Immediately followed by:

Crab Squats, step left, squat, step right squat (keeping a Kiba dachi stance) - 1 min

Immediately followed by:

Combination pushups. Press up position, drop to floor 'prostrate position' push back up, lift one arm off the floor twist your body 90 degrees.

Drop to floor repeat, press up lift other arm up etc etc. - 1 min

Immediately followed by:

Squat thrusts - 1 min

Rest 1 min

Repeat the above sequence 3 times.

1hr bag work.

punching combinations.

Kicking combinations


'tunnel of death'.

A mixture punching and kicking, work through a 'tunnel' of students with bags and kick or punch the bags as described.

Run through a second time double the activity form the last run .

Repeat the 3rd run, triple the kick or punches from the last run, repeat for 4th and again for 5th run.

6th run reduce to x4 punch or kick.

7th x3

8th x2

9 last run full power once.

body conditioning - 'clash' arms (Uchi Uke, Soto uki, mai gedan bari) - gedan mixed with chudan strikes combination of kicks.

30 mins sparring.

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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20 mins Light sparring

All kihon from 10th to 1 kyu.

30 mins kata

30 mins core work

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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Defensive Tactics Training Sessions for the Department

Two sessions today, 8-noon and 1:00-5:00 pm. I reviewed some of the basic escort position arm locks and takedowns, worked on some punch defenses, and then went into the GRACIE material for the deputies and jailers in our department. I had some great help from the DT students and instructor at the college, who does a great job teaching for self-defense and LEOs, as well. I got good responses from the department, and look forward to hitting some more training times in the future!


Played 3 softball games today with team mates made up of our department. We had a great time, although my calf muscles suffered from it! I managed to strain or pull them both, making me not able to run or push off at all. But, I'd do it all again.


TKD Class: 6:00-7:30 pm. Our class was a big one tonight. We did get some extra kicking in during basics, doing more side kicks and front kick variations. I also hopped in to review as many forms as I could while colored belts were working on them, and sparring wasn't too bad.


Defensive Tactics: 2:00-3:00 pm. The DT instructor let me teach the class today, and so I began running through the GRACIE material. I focused on stance, punch defense and timing drill to get to a clinch, and then to the takedown from behind.


Defensive Tactics: 1:00-3:00 pm. I got to both teach and learn today. I taught the GRACIE material in the first half, getting into Americana from the mount, and doing some umpa escapes/reversals on the bottom. The 2nd half of the class, I learned some of their stand-up self-defense system, how they do their wrist escapes, and also a few series of movements from front and side chokes. These defenses basically included the same movements, just from different angles, and the finishes were the same, with the hands locking over the shoulder from the side with a Muay Thai grip, throwing knees to the legs while driving the bad guy foward and away, finishing with elbows as well. I'm not sure, but something made me think it might be Krav related. I liked the concepts, and felt they worked well.

Open Mat Wrestling: 6:00-7:00 pm. Took my son to open mat, and I got to work with him a little bit, being a demo partner more this time than the dummy. He worked on double-leg takedowns from chops or blocks, running the half to finish, some slide-by takedowns, and also some breakdowns from the top position.

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Taught TKD class: 6:00-7:30 pm. Prior to the start of class, I worked a bit on some advanced kicking with a few of the guys who had some questions on them. After class, did a few more minutes of the same, kicking BOB a little bit. Class covered basics, forms, one-steps, and sparring. Our little ones need to do a better job of practicing and remembering their one-steps, so I've been trying to work them through them more and more.

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10 min run

45 min leg work - knockdown

30 arms & core

30 free sparring - clicker

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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5 Sept 2013.

-Static and active stretching to warm up.

Circuit #1 (30s full intensity, 15s rest, repeat 3 times)

-Dumbbell flys.

-Kettlebell goblet squats.

-Kettlebell starjump/snatch.

Circuit #2 (30s-30s, repeat 3 times)

-Reverse dumbbell flys.

-Standing dumbbell shoulder press.

-Kettlebell static shoulder shrugs.

Drop supersets 12/10/8 - no rest


-Lateral anterior dumbell raises.

-Kettlebell double squat curls.

-Pull ups.

Kicking drills 5 min to warm down.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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