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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Pad work

BL round kicks and FL round kicks, 10 each leg.

FL hook kicks, 10 each leg.

Combo BL round kick, reverse hook kick, up and down the floor several times.

Worked on BL round kicks with my son on the heavy bag, and also taught him side kicks.

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Full day of training in advanced police ground fighting.


Drilled arm bar from mount and breaking defense options.

30 min free roll.


Afternoon of force on force CQB.

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24 July 2013.

-30min renraku kumite and kihon training with partners.

-45min kata, inclduing bunkai applications.

-2hr Kyokushin class.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Drilled armbar from side mount. Followed by arm bar from side while he has a far side underhook.

35 min free roll.

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Simunitions: 8:00 - 10:30. Simunitions training in car stop scenarios. We did some solo scenarios, and some multi-person scenarios. Sims is always a good time, but I get so wound up for them, and this time around, I got a bit trigger-happy. But, I wasn't aware of some of my options in the scenarios, either. But overall, a good time, and always great training.


Solo work: Dynamic stretches (front and side), then some basics, and a few kicks.

Taught TKD: 6-7pm. Testing is tomorrow, so after basics, it was testing review, doing forms and one-steps. Everyone testing was looking pretty good.

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core and push ups - 90 (3x30) + (3x30)


Legs conditioning work (thigh kicks, chudan (ribs) kicks)



core - 180 sit up (6x30)

arms - 90 push ups (40 + 50)

'Round robin' Knockdown - 1 hr

kata .... execution with eyes closed! (this was interesting..)

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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Morning of bear pit rolls, or shark tank, one man in center. 1 min hard rolls. Winner keeps center.

Followed by 4, 2 min rounds of fighting off bottom side

Followed by 4, 2 min rounds of holding top side

20 min open mat

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Short run , about a mile or so, adding a 2 mile walk. 1 mile there and one back.


Short run , about a mile or so, broke the run up with 50m sprints as before adding a 2 mile walk. 1 mile there and one back.


Finished with hot bath..!

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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