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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Nov. 20

A.M. Drilled half guard escapes to side control, half guard escape to mount, half guard sweep to mount, side control and half guard sweep to back take, half guard sweep to guard.

30 min free rolling.

P.M. Kata review, 30 min free sparring.

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Drilled controlling positions for leg locks and reviewed straight ankle locks from last weekends seminar.

30 min free roll.

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21 Nov 2012.

-30 min volleyball game.

-120min Kyokushin fitness class.

-Pushups sets on knuckles to exhaustion.

22 Nov 2012.

-20min brisk walk to warm up (after all day in the office).

-Circuts: (2min jog;)(Kin Geri 50reps)(2min jog;)(Chudan Mae Geri 50reps)(2min jog;)(Jodan Mae Geri 50reps.)

-Drilled kicking combinations (10min) = Mae geri, soto mawashi, ushiro geri = Uchi mawashi, jodan mawashi, ushiro mawashi kakato geri.

-Drilled punching combinations (10min) = Jab, cross, hook, uppercut.

-Drilled mixed combinations (5min) = Hidari Mawashi, Oi Tsuki, Gyaku Tsuki, Migi Mawashi.

-Stretching (5min).

-Drilled Yoko Geri and Mawashi Geri in Zenkutsu Dachi (10min).

Drove home.

-3min run to warm up.

-Circuts (45sec, 15sec rest : 3x sets) = Squats, Lunges, Mountain Climber, 100's, Bicycle crunches.

-Weights, bicept curl supersets. 12.5kg each arm, then 6kg each arm - both to exhaustion. 3x sets.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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23 Nov 2012.

-90 min Kyokushin class.


-Pushups, sinlge set to exhaustion.

-Weights supersets (arms and chest).

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Drilled over leg lock control positions and flowed them together. Worked on straight ankle lock and Achilles compression variants for subs.

60 min free roll.

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Drilled reverse armbar. Reverse armbar to far side arm bar. Reverse armbar to armbar on same side arm.

30 min free roll.

30 min mma sparring

15 min cool down roll.

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25 Nov 2012.


-Weights, compound movements (light fast - white muscle, heavy slow - red/pink muscle).

26 Nov 2012.

-Circuits, 3x stations @ 4 sets/rounds.

.....Abs - 200m jog.

.....Mountain climbers - 200m sprint.

.....Triceps dips - 200m jog.

-Circuits, 3x stations @ 3 sets/rounds.

.....Rock climbing wall (3x up and down each round).

.....Squat kicks.


-5min jog with hill sprints.

-Obstacle course for time, twice through - rock climb, downhill run, climbing web, downhill run, rope climbing wall, 200m run to finish.

-Rowing machine (5min).

-Stretch down.

27 Nov 2012.

-Circuits (Tabata @ 45sec work, 15sec rest for each exercise):

1)Squats, Mountain Climbers, Lunges, Bicycle crunches, Reverse plank.

2)Squat to front kick, Plyometric lunges, Crunches, Butterfly drills, Mountain climbers.

3)Plyo-box jumps, Goblet squats (12.5kg dumbbell), Reverse crunches, Sprint, Plank.

-Weights (flys, clean and jerk, reverse flys) for endurance and strength.


"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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