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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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6 Nov 2012.

-5 min jog (warm up).

-Drilled 200 front kicks, all height levels.

-2 min jog.

-Punching and kicking combinations (5 min).

-2 min jog.

-Punching combinations (10 min).

-2 min jog.

-Short abs work (crucnches, V-sit ups, leg raises).

-Kicking combinations (10 min).

-Stretch down.

-Fast walk (2 km).

-Hill sprint to exhaustion.

-15min straight medium/full-contact sparring with partner.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Rowing machine: 2 sessions of 6 min, rest between. I really liked rowing, but the insides of my legs are sore!



Hwa Rang x5

Choon Jung 2 x5


Hwa Rang is the TTA middle brown belt form. Its a fairly short form, but fun to do. A tricky spot is where you do reverse punches from a back stance, and we don't do them to the angle, we do them straight forward, so getting good twist is a point of focus.

Choong Jung 2 is the red belt form of the ATA. It contains some tension movements, a similar reverse punching in back stance series like Hwa Rang, more consecutive kicking with a round kick/side kick, and a jumping round kick.

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Nov. 6


BJJ: 3 brothers drills 3 min rnds x 2, guard pass drills 3 min rnds x2, Double leg takedowns 5 min rnds x 2, modified mount control, take down pass sub drill 3 min rnds x2, free sparring stating in guard 30 min


Kenpo: Spinning back kick setup, Trigger Salute, Alternating Maces, free sparring 6 rnds

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7 Nov 2012

30 min volleyball game (well 26 min, but who's counting?).

Soon to head off to a 120min Kyokushin Fitness class.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Treadmill: 10 min jog, covered .76 miles. No walking, except for a brief warmup.

Rowing machine: 6 minutes. Love that thing!



Choong Moo x5

Shim Jun x5


Forms sucked today. Higher ranking forms, with a little more complexity, and the ATA black belt forms are notoriously long.

Choong Moo is the TTA's high brown belt/recommended black belt form. Its a fun form to do, but requires some athleticism in spots that is starting to slip away from me as I add poundage, which I hope to fix. Lots of open hand techniques, a flying side kick (that I need to focus on again, as I have to do a board break with it), and a jumping spin that goes from being in a back stance to landing in a back stance and performing a double knife hand block. This form also has a few kicking combinations in it; a back leg round kick followed by a reverse side kick, and a back leg side kick/back leg side kick combo.

Shim Jun is the ATA 1st dan form. This form has 81 moves in it, and follows a shape that is similar to an infinity symbol. There are introductions of different "black belt" techniques used in the ATA curriculum, where there are hand techniques done without a retracting arm, so you have to use the hip motion minus the pull-back of the other arm. There are also compound double blocks where one hand will be open and the other closed, along with circular blocking methods and crossed-arm blocking methods. This form also has two front leg jump hook kicks, two jump front kicks, two step-spin hook kicks, a triple consecutive kick with a low side kick followed by repeat round kicks going up the scale. At the end of the form, there is a one step then jumping side kick that I pretty much butchered each time because my legs were so fatigued by the time I was done with the form. 5 times of that, sucked.

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Having one of those days...locked myself out of the house on the way out to go to the gym. Forgot to grab my keys, pulled the door shut behind me, and it was too late. Luckily, my daughter only had a half day of school today, so I didn't have to wait outside for too long. I always take a book to read, so I had that and my phone with me. But, I did try to practice some forms, too...

Kwang Gae x5

Jung Yul x1

Jung Yul is the ATA 2nd degree form, and I really was butchering it. Its got some techniques that require some degree of balance, which I had none of, especially in the yard, on bumpy grass, with shoes on. I must have looked like and idiot, leaning and stumbling around. And also lucky for me, I had a neighbor step out and see me, and when I looked around and saw him, he gave the whole mock arms circles Karate hi-ya crap. What a fun day.

Whining aside, I'm going to really have to take some time and break down Jung Yul and get it looking somewhat decent. Along with all other forms...

Edited by bushido_man96
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Going to the kids' class AND the adult class is starting to take it's toll. I'm exhausted and the adult class was only 1/2 an hour today because the instructor was sick.

kids class--

-10 minutes stretching/calisthenics

-10 min floor drills

-10 min sparring partner drills

-10 min old kata

-10 min sparring

-10 min new kata

adults class--

-10 minutes floor drills

-20 minutes running through every old kata once (not too many for me-- I'm up to nine) and doing new kata three times

I haven't been this wiped in awhile. I like it.

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9 Nov 2012

-120 min Kyokushin class (body conditioning and fight training).

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Wow between work and sickness my time to train has been short the past two weeks. Luckily, I get a lot of rounds down range during these weeks at work, but man am I missing the regularity of my gym life.

At least today I managed morning mat time:

Drilled Closed guard to Spider guard transition. Sweep from spider, moved into triangle then omoplata from the spider.

30 min free roll

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10 Nov 2012

-Kettlebell (20kg) sets:

-1min clean and jerk each arm;

-1min leg-passes;

-1min swings (both hands);

-1min goblet squats;

-Dumbell (12.5kg) sets:

-1min flys;

-30sec tricep pull-backs eacharm.

-10 min running intervals on treadmill.

-Abs routine (situps, crunches, bicycles, leg raises etc), 5 min.

-10 min running intervals on treadmill (again).

-Abs routine again (same).

-Sidekicks for endurance, as many in 2 min for each leg.

-Roundhouse for endurance, as many in 1 min for each leg.


"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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