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My first time posting in this thread, but I thought I would give it a go!

Sun 4th Dec 2011.

10 min leg, hip and lower back stretches.

All Kyokushin kata done through 2x.

Once for technique and once for speed.

30 min resistance band workouts (Les Mills style), including 5 min resistance punching to finish.

20 min heavy bagwork with 16oz gloves = Punching combos only for 10 min, punching and kicking for 5 min, then 5 min freestyle.

15 min intervals (1/1) on treadmill @ 14kph.

Hyper extension Crunches to exhaustion on Swissball.

Pushups on knuckles to exhaustion.

Light stretching to finish.


Welcome to the thread!!!

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Thanks Groinstrike! :) I was aiming to try to use this as an excuse to motivate myself to work out at home more than I do!

Monday 5th December 2011.

I was meant to do a Kyokushin lesson tonight, but was too tired after work so ended up at home and did:

5 min whole body stretching.

All Kyokushin kata through once for speed.

Gekisai Dai and Sho, Tsuki-No and Pinan-Go through three times.

24kg kettlebell -

5x sets of 10 reps = Swings.

1x set 10 repss on each arm = Presses.

Heavy bagwork -

5 min kicking for power.

5 min punching combinations.

5 min punch and kick combinations.

5 min freestyle.

Resistance bands 10 min (Les Mills style) finished with a couple of minutes of resistance punching.

Pushups to exhaution.

Leg stretches to warm down.

I feel like I can do more, but its dinner time! :)


"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."


yamesu, the fun thing about this thread is getting a different persepective on training and see what others are doing. Occassionally, we even link videos to explain stuff which is pretty cool. Welcome.


Drilled escpae frmo back mount, moved into armbar counter from escape then to D' Arce from escape. Finished with a couple of smashing counters to De La Riva.

30 min free roll


Did focus mitts, unarmed vs knife drills, knife vs knife sparring, clinch focused sparring.

Decided to do some lifting which was cut short by debilitatingly awful music.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma


Thanks Tallgeese :)

I tend to write the tech's in Japanese dojo speak as I have had this ingrained from Kyokushin. Just let me know if you would like a vid post or link to youtube for better descriptions!

6th December 2011-

50 Pushups on knuckles, on floorboards.

100 Situps (variations - twisting and rocky style doing punches while coming up :D )

Drilled Jodan Mawashi Geri on Heavy bag - 10 min.

Played "Blackjack" (only 1 to 10, I got lazy) with 24 kg kettlebell, following tech's:



Drilled Uchi Mata and juji gatame, with partner - 10 min.

Kickboxing with 16oz gloves (with clinches and knees, no elbows) - 20 min.

Arnis (dual sticks patterns) and single stick disarm techniques - 10 min.

Hokama Ryu basic Bo-staff kata and drills - 5 min.

Stretches to warm down.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."



Deffley 5x5C

Squats: warmup: 45x5x2, 135x5, 205x3, 225x2; work: 290x3x5

Overhead press: warmup: 45x5x2, 70x5, 90x3, 100x2; work: 150x5,4,4,2,3

Seated goodmornings: 110x3x12

Hip thrusts: 3x8

Stretch: standing/kneeling quads, seated toe touches and back twists, chest/tris/bis.


Deffley 5x5A

Squats: warmup: 45x5, 135x5, 225x3, 245x2; work: 290x3x5

Bench press: warmup: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x2; work: 220x5x5 (deloaded)

Barbell rows: warmup: 75x5, 95x5, 115x3, 135x2; work: 155x5x5

Stretch: standing/kneeling quads, seiza, butterfly and glute stretch, reverse hurdler, front/twist/side kick bar stretch, toe touches, chest/tris/bis.


Deffley 5x5B

Dead lift: warmup: 135x5, 175x5, 210x5; work: 315x3, 370x5x3

Push press: warmup: 45x5x2, 65x3, 85x2; work: 125x5x5

I've set a goal for myself to hit a 1RM of 400lbs on dead lift by the end of the year.



Naifanchi x3

Yoo Sin x3



worked D'arce defense and escape

gator roll to side control to north south to shoulder crank

90 minute freeroll



Deffley 5x5B

Dead lift: warmup: 135x5, 175x5, 210x5; work: 315x3, 375x5x3

Push press: warmup: 45x5x2, 65x3, 85x2; work: 130x5x5

I think my goal of a 400 lb dead lift should be doable by the end of the year.


Sweet deal on that dead lift!


Drilled with my old MMA crew to help get one of their fighters ready for an upcoming bout.

15 min light roll to warm up

30 min working off the fence

40 min of rounds groundwork with strikes. Putting the jits to work this way was great. VERY happy with the progress.


7 December 2011

20 min standing wrestling (fence tactics) with partner.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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