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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Out of town all week for a tactical school. All kinds of fun all day long, every day. There I days I do love my job.

Hit the local BJJ club out here:

Drilled controlling from mount, moving to mount from side. Sub series from top.

30 min free roll.

Big thanks to the guys at Des Moins BJJ for their hospitality.

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Weekly stats:

Weight: 250 lbs

BF%: 31.4%

BMI: 38

SL 5x5B

Squats: warmup: 45x5x2, 135x5, 205x3, 225x2; work: 285x5,5,5,3,5

Not sure what happened on that fourth set.

Overhead press: warmup: 45x5x2, 70x3, 90x2; work: 135x4,4,4,3,3

Time to deload on OHP.

Dead lift: warmup: 135x5, 175x5, 210x5; work: 305x5

Assisted pull-ups: 9,9,8

Stretch: standing quads, front and side kick bar stretch, toe touches, tris/bis.


Training with sensei8: 10 am - 4:30 pm. Upper body basics, Naifanchi kata & bunkia, tuite in sparring, blitz and avoiding the blitz.


Training with sensei8: 10 am - 2 pm. Basics, some kicking discussions, one-step work with both styles, tuite series, kaki drills.

For a more detailed account of our training time together, check out this thread: Shindokan and TKD get together!


SL 5x5A

Squats: warmup: 45x5x2, 135x5, 205x3, 225x2; work: 285x5x5

Nailed it this time. Also got a compliment for good form from another guy at the gym.

Bench press: warmup: 45x5x2, 135x5, 155x3, 175x2; work: 225x5x5

Barbell rows: warmup: 75x5x2, 95x3, 105x2; work: 145x4,4,4,4,3

Power clean: 150x5

Dips: 7,6,6

Stretch: standing quads, front/side kick bar stretch, toe touches, seated knee hugs, kneeling quads, tris/bis.

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More of same at school. Humped up and down stairs during training which made the pm workout that much harder.


BJJ club visit

40 min free roll

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Heavy force on force day. I can't even begin to guess the amount of sim rounds we got to go thru.

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got to roll with some pro fighters and a coach from the Hit Squad today. Yay.

Thats awesome, remember any names??


2.5 mile run

knife sensitivity work

stick sparring

Kayaking(yes Kayaking)

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Dustin and Louis have gone pro. Louis hurt himself rolling with me, Pulled a neck muscle bridging underneath me. Hope he heals quick, he fights in October. The guy that came from hit Squad was an old Jack McVicker student named zack. Didn't catch his last name.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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