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The closest I came to anything MA related was watching the Karate Kid 3 and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I kind of fell off the wagon this week. :bigwink:


karate es el amor de mi vida.

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That happens to all of us from time to time. Best to just jump back in at the first chance.

Had another good garage day today-

2 mile run

8, 2 min rounds (30 sec rest between roundss) of:

heavy bag

double ended bag



rope climb

heavy bag

climbing wall circuit

double ended bag

Posted (edited)


Early morning workout, like, at 1:30 am:

Stacking: (holding and chambering for a side kick, the horizontal chamber) 4 times on each side, for around 20 seconds per time.

Push-ups: 2x20

I then practiced on a section of Yoo Sin hyung, starting with the U-shaped punches, and going through the waving kicks section. It isn't a long section, and is mostly upper body techniques. The waving kicks are like sweeping kicks, so I worked on them with the corresponding hand movements, to try to crisp them up a bit.

Afternoon workout, at the park:

Lots of footwork today...Exercises from Tae Kwon Do...

Basic step (replacement step): 30 each side/stance.

Skipping step (change step, then replacement step): 30 each side/stance.

Change step: 30 each side/stance.

Basic step (retreating): 30 each side/stance.

Skipping step (retreating): 30 each side/stance.

Change step (retreating): 30 each side/stance.

Spin step with chamber for side kick: 20 each side. This one kind of sucked. I need more work to coordinate this one better.

Front kick: from natural stance, alternating. 20x2.

Round kick: from natural stance, alternating. 20x2

Basic step: advance then retreat, 20 each side.

Change step: advance then retreat, 20 each side.

I did 4 almost pull-ups, pulling my head up between the monkey bars. I also ran up and down a small slope with junior around 8 times. It wasn't a maximum effort by any stretch, but it got me jogging a bit. I also stretched the legs a wee bit.

I was suprised to notice how much the footwork worked my upper legs. They got a bit of a burn going. I also realized, and should really have a long time ago, that the key to good footwork is to really engage the movement of the feet by pivoting and focusing on the push off, from the balls of the feet.

After being at the park for around 2 hours (it was a beautiful day), I went home and mowed the lawn. It was so nice outside, that it was almost pleasant to mow the yard.

.....and here it is, my Zen moment for the day.....a freshly cut yard looks really beautiful.....

Edited by bushido_man96

Nice with the lawn. I hate doing yard work.

Today I had some extra time during the morning so-


2 min rounds, 30 sec rest


-double ended bag

-power cleans, 95 lbs

-sparring, light contact


-double ended bag

-power cleans




--heavy bag

brief rest

6, 2 min rounds of free grappling



20 pushups

20 situps

10 knees









15 self defense against a punch.


karate es el amor de mi vida.

  Chikara said:

The closest I came to anything MA related was watching the Karate Kid 3 and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I kind of fell off the wagon this week.

  Chikara said:


20 pushups

20 situps

10 knees

etc., etc., etc.

Well, somebody got back on the martial arts bandwagon. Talk about a boost in the energy level, Chickara!

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu


Yeah, thanks! :D We're catching a little of Hanna, but not much. Must've been the weather.


karate es el amor de mi vida.


Another good day. :D




20 pushups


20 kicks


20 knees


10 punches








Sanchin (always the Goju way)


karate es el amor de mi vida.

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