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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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From Tae Kwon Do, The Ultimate.... again:

Rising kick (stretching kick): 10 each leg.

Front kick: front stance, advancing. 10 each leg.

Outside crossing kick (crescent kick): 10 each leg.

Inside crossing kick (crescent kick): 10 each leg.

Jumping front kick: back stance, advancing. 10 each leg.

Hook kick: from fighting stance, front leg. 10 each leg.

Spinning back kick (with step forward): fighting stance, advancing. 10 each leg.

Spinning hook kick: fighting stance. 10 each leg.

I was focusing on not over-rotating on the spin back kick, and on getting good base foot rotation for the spin hook kicks.

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Defensive Tactics/Combat Hapkido: 10:15 - 11:30. We worked on some circular throws from Hock's curriculum today. We did head twist takedowns, arm/torso twist throws, and a wrist takedown.

Also did push-ups: 2x15.

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You lucky! Be nice to have a huge MA library to work from, it'd sure mix things up for me. All I ever do are normal calisthenics, kata, and self defense techniques. :bawling:


empty handed stuff:

Seisan, Seiuchin, Wansu


Nunchaku kata, Horseman's Form

That's all, I was really lazy today. I'm celebrating for the first day of school tomorrow. :o :D


karate es el amor de mi vida.

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God one today-

modified crossfit/conditioning

8, 2 min rounds (30 sec rest intervals) of

-heavy bag

-push jerks, 95 lbs

-double ended bag

-ring work

that works out to two rounds on each of the above

free sparring-

8, 3 min rounds everything on


chest/tris superseted

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You lucky! Be nice to have a huge MA library to work from, it'd sure mix things up for me. All I ever do are normal calisthenics, kata, and self defense techniques. :bawling:

Its working out pretty well so far. And I have lots of stuff to get through, so I will have different stuff for quite some time. My library is a constant source of annoyance for my wife, though. :P

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I'll bet! My mom can't understand why I love karate so much, she respects it though.


Chatan Yara No Sai

Urashi Bo

Horseman's Form

Nunchaku Kata

Went to karate class.

Today was also my very 1st day of college! YAY! I added 2 classes, so now I have 18 credits.


karate es el amor de mi vida.

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I like this, maybe this will keep me motivated to keep with my workout!


extended curls to the front:

2x9x15, 1x8x15

Mumbo stance

2x45 secs.

extended curls to side

2x8x15, 1x9x15

toe raise

3x15x60 (including olympic bar, don't know if I''m supposed to or not, but to me, 40 pounds counts!)

Drop Jumps


weighted middle punches


Not mention a bunch of stretching. would have worked on forms as well, but I had to get to school, which is where I am right now actually! :D

"Be Water my friend."

"The spirit of defeating a man is the same for ten million men." Miyamoto Mushahi

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4 rounds of 1/4 mile runs- 2 min rest between sets

followed by-

back and bis

Glad to see others jumping onto the log. It's a great source of new ideas. Bushido man and I have swaped a few training methods along the way.

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I couldn't help myself! This blog is too good a blog to skip and it makes me accountable to workout everyday. :D I get emails for responses on here and all the other threads on here so I can keep up and read all of you guys' stuff too!

I'll do stuff later, had school today.


karate es el amor de mi vida.

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Thanks for jumping on board, guys. I appreciate seeing new information, like these quoted below. It was what I had in mind when I started this thread up. I love to exchange ideas, and it allows me to vent out the things that I seem to have trouble with in practice.

Horseman's Form.

What is the Horesman's form? I have never heard of it before.

Mumbo stance

What is this? Another new one to me.


Did some full sit-ups today, but that was about it: 20, 15.


Today was a bit more active.

Push-ups: 2x15

At the park, from Tae Kwon Do:

Axe kick (in to out): fight stance. 10 each leg.

Jumping round kick: fighting stance, advancing. 5 each leg.

Jumping side kick: fighting stance, advancing. 5 each leg. Doing this kick was funky. It started like a jumping front kick, by using one leg to burst up, and then swithing and kicking with the other leg. Trying to get the hips turned over to do this kick was tough, and ackward.

Combat Hapkido: 7:00 - 7:45. I warmed up with some technique work, namely that dastardly jump side kick I was trying earlier. Then stretched a bit, legs and arms. Worked on yellow and orange belt material, and some on red. I worked on fine-tuning little things, and the work is starting to pay off.

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