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Injured/bruised shin, advice needed


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Hi all, I am just after a little advice regarding an injury I picked up rather foolishly on Christmas Day.

After more than a few drinks I ended up doing a little 'semi contact' sparring with my brother (who has not practiced karate for probably 18 years or so...). Anyway one thing led to another and the sparring got a little more intense we both went for mawashi geri on the same side (my left his right) his kick was initiated first and his foot made rather a powerfull contact with my left shin as I was attempting my kick.

I thought it was no more than a dead leg at the time and there is no visible bruising. However it is a little stiff and sore in the mornings until I start moving around then it is ok. Do I need to worry about this or not? Is it just a bruised muscle/bone? I should add that I have been for 2 6 mile runs since and done 1 karate practice session with no reaction.

Thanks in advance. (and please no judgemental posts as I am aware of the foolishness of my actions)

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I'd see a doctor. Damage to legs of intense things such as this can cause blood clots possibly. Usually there would be some sort of mark in such cases. If it hurts a lot go to the doctor. Gool luck

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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If the pain is subsiding with each day, then I would say it is getting better. If it were me, I probably wouldn't go to the doctor, but then again, I don't like going anyway! My wife always has to make me go! :D

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Yes it is getting better each day, I just got a bit worried because it didn't really hurt (after the initial dead leg) to begin with but then after a few days it really started to ache when I walked on it. But it is now reducing and as I said I have done a couple of 6 miles runs on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Getting a nasty hit on the shin can really hurt. The other lesson we were doing takedowns in class and somehow (i'm still not sure?!) while i was going to grab this guys leg i heard a crack! we stopped and his big toe became swollen and bruised. I was more concerned about him at the time but when i got home my shin was all green and looked as if id smuggled a golf ball under it!

Its now purple and i laff at it! : )

(It was my left shin also, definitely somethin goin on there! :-? )

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Ah! Shins are the worst!

I was kneed in the shin once during sparring...it WILL be sore for awhile but put ice on it and you should be fine. Good luck! :)

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

~Theodore Roosevelt

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Once the shin heals, spend a couple sessions kicking a heavy bag each week to condition your shins. Start very light and keep the workouts brief initially, maybe just 5-10 kicks per leg, and gradually increase the number of kicks until you can do >100 per session.

Professional Thai boxers typically do >500 per session DAILY and they have rock-hard shins.

With respect,


"If I cannot become one of extraordinary accomplishment, I will not walk the earth." Zen Master Nakahara Nantenbo

"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." Samuarai maxim

"Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is Enlightenment." Lao-Tzu

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i've had my share of shin injuries and *dang* they hurt. i bet your shin's doing better by now, but make sure you ice it next time. i heard you should ice the first 24 hours and then heat after that. also, use good shin pads -- i have permanent scar tissue all up and down my legs from before i got some good shin pads and it kinda sucks especially cause i'm a girl...

hope you feel better!

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