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choosing a teacher

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If you where to choose between a school where the teacher seemed sympathetic to you (at first sight) but the style taught didn't appeal to you AND a school where you didn't get along with the personality of the teacher (at a few visits) but the style or styles taught there seemed awesome WHAT would you choose? :roll:

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i'd personally try and get on the right side of the teacher with the problem if not try same style different instructor.

with repect to the "nice" instructor and slack style leave it , as you can find friendly people anywhere, unless you just want a social evening and your not to bothered about the style..

Good question though

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If it's a choice between an instructor you like with a so-so school and one you don't really click with who has a good school, I'd still go with the good school. I guess it comes down to how much you can live with. If you don't enjoy yourself, you'll have a harder time learning.

There's no place like

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I think the question is mixed up here. I read it as thus: Good teacher in a style you don't like, or a style you like with a teacher you don't?

You can learn a lot from a good teacher, so I think that I would usually go with the teacher. However, I am used to being restricted to what is offered, so I can work with it, I guess.

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If the teacher is good at his style, then go for it. Unless he has the mannerisms of the Karate Kid Cobra Kai instructor, I would say take the classes. You don't have to be best friends with the guy, just learn from him.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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I wouldn't go with a sensei if he is only sympathetic. but i would go with a sensei if he is one a kind in his art even if i am not ceazy about his art. if i see Mario Higaonna teaches Goju ryu in a dojo close to me i would stop my shorin ryu for a while, since it's a only chance i can get kicked by somebody who was kicked by chojon Miyagi.

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I have trained with teachers that I did not like. I can't think of one that I started out not likeing that I like today. However I still learned things from them. I would go with the teacher that had the better school. If it becomes to hard to continue training with him quit but as long as the training you recieved until then is good it was worth the pain.

Victory or a reasonable alternative.

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Learning martial arts is a journey that takes a lifetime. The instructor will probably warm up to you in time. He/she is probably tired of seeing so many people come in and fill them with a load of crud (any instructor will tell you all about this) about what they are looking for or how great this style is and how they will "be in on Monday!"

Bottom line is...if you think the school is better then go there. Work hard and show up to classes and you will find the respect of the instructor.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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