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I'm coming back.


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Hey guys, I'm new to this site, but not new to the martial arts. I started Karate over 25 years ago, Okinawan Isshinryu karate. Over the years, I became very disillusioned with a number of things, mainly the politics that are involved in Karate. Also, believe it or not, ranks really left a bad taste in my mouth. I mean, I'd go to a competition, and I'd see an "8th" degree grand exhaulted, master sifu this or that of whatever style, and I'd start up a conversation, and inevitably, I'd ask a question regarding Karate's history or the lineage of his style, or whatever, and they'd look at me like "I practice Karate, son, not history". Yet I'd see brown belts of the same style I practice practicing bunkai and answering questions that I didn't know, which made me wonder who really was the higher rank out of the three. That, as well as a falling out of sorts with my Sensei lead me to alot of soul searching, and a hiatus of a few years from the martial arts scene. Like I said, I was very disillusioned. However, I am now ready to return to my practice. I have disposed of my Gi and Obi (cringe from others in this forum, I;m sure) since I don't need them to practice Karate, and am ready to get back to work. Politics? Who cares. Where or from whom I get my knowledge? Wherever and whoever, as long as it's valid. I want to do it for myself, to improve as a person spiritually and physically. Do I want my third degree black belt? No. I turned down the test ten years ago. I want the KNOWLEDGE that comes along with it. I don't need a belt to impress anyone. I just want to get down to business.

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um welcome bak? lol not much discussion can come outta this i guess, but what u say is true.. ranks are handed out far to easily nowadays and that is what i deem a McDojo...

anyways its great that your coming back and that you seek the truth of martial arts... my advice to u... go to okinawa... find a master, and train under him... if u have the time and resources it will be the ultimate way of reaching ure goal

Brown belt... win trophies... grade... lose trophies... so much fun

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Welcome to the Forums! :karate:

I think you have an interesting story there, and I can relate to some of what you say. Politics suck, plain and simple. However, the history side of it can be hit or miss. I know some, but not all. However, knowing the history, I feel, makes you a historian, not a Martial Artist. That is just my view on it, though. I like history, so I do a lot of reading on it. I don't retain all of it, but I will look it up!

Anyhow, I look forward to reading your correspondence!

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Hi there and welcome to the forums. I am in agreement with you to a certain extent, the politics side of things i'm not really interested in, and i'm affraid for the history i'm not very well up on that either. I have read a little but i'm not brilliant with it. Belts, yes i like them and i like the system in the way of the gradings. I just go to lessons and train hard and wear my belt with pride.

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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Welcome back to martial arts. Any questions I'll help with to the best of my ability, as I am sure plenty of others will.

"Karate is NOT about the colour of belt you wear it is about the person you become;...to be a good blackbelt is to be humble and respectful amongst other things." -Dobbersky

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The history thing was just an example guys. I mean, sure I think it's important to know what we are studying, where it came from, why it is the way it is, etc. Again, though, that's just an example. I was also disillusioned by martial artisits not living by the set of rules and standards that they teach. I mean, that's across the board in all aspects of life, but martial artists are supposed to be a different breed. We are supposed to be living examples of the ancient teachings. Granted, that might be asking for too much, and many people don't practice with that deep a goal in mind, and that's fine. That is the beauty of the martial arts. There's something in it for everyone. However, those are the standards I set for myself, and I felt pretty stifled. Now, however, I have reprioritized, and am starting down a slightly different path. I'm excited to see where it takes me.

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