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New to Shotokan. Need help.


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Hiya all.

I am a newbe at Shotokan. I'm not new to MA, but I'm new to all these Japanese terms. I learned how to say bow, and sensei from jujitsu and here (KF), but that's all I know. I confuse the heck out of sensei when I try to say something in Japanese and it comes out in Korean (I have a Korean MA background), and he tilts his head like a dog that doesn't understand. Poor guy. He is getting frustrated with me (or just doesn't understand me LOL).

I was wondering if theres any kind of audio (tape, DVD, website) that I can listen to that includes the english and Japanese terms for each technique, kata, ect.

It would be most appreciated :) Save sensei and me LOL. Thanks in advance.

Laurie F

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In my experience the japanese pronouce each vowel as it is written (in most cases) so seeing it written down should help you. I know.....read the books Laurie!!!!! :lol:


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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oooooooo i don't know of any tapes to listen to but i hope this helps you.


KOKUTSU DACHI....back stance

KIBA DACHI...horse stance

YOI...attention stance

CHOKU TSUKI...straight punch

EMPI UCHI...elbow strike

GYAKU TSUKI...reverse punch


OI TSUKI...step/lunge punch


NUKITE UCHI...spear-hand strike

TETTSUI...hammer fist strike


URAKEN UCHI...back fist strike

URA TSUKI...uppercut

ASHI BARI...foot sweep


MAE GERI...front kick

MAWASHI GERI...roundhouse kick

USHIRO GERI...back kick

YOKO GER KEKOMI...side thrust kick

YOKO GERI KEAGE...side snap kick

AGE UKE...rising block/head block

GEDAN BARI...downward block

JUUJI UKE...'X' block or cross block

SOTO UKE...outside forearm block

SHUTO UKE...knife hand block

UCHI UKE...inside forearm block


ASHI...foot or lower leg



GEDAN...lower level

JODAN...upper level

HAITO...ridge hand

SHOTEI...palm heel

SOKUTO...knife foot

SHUTO...knife hand

URAKEN...back fist

some words there for you to go at. They are not actually always used, i haven't heard some of them, still its good to know them. Try breaking them down and saying them slowly. What i do with Ryan to get him to know them is say one from the list and then he has to perform the move. As you get more experience and more gradings you will become more familiar with them.

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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More stances

neko dachi - cat stance

tsuru dachi - crane stance

shiko dachi - stadddle stance

mitsurin dachi - runner's stance

san chin dachi - hour glass stance

kake dachi - crossover stance

musubi dachi - heels touching, big toes apart

heisoku dachi - feet together

hangetsu dachi - wide hourglass stance

shozenkutsu dachi - short front stance

sonchin dachi - diagonal front stance

zenkutsu dachi - front stance

More strikes

seir yuto shuto uchi - ox jaw swordhand strike

kudaru shuto uchi - downward swordhand strike

yoko shuto uchi - sideways swordhand strike

mawashi/gyaku empi uchi - roundhouse and reverse elbow strikes

yoko empi uchi - sideways elbow strike

mawashi empi uchi - roundhouse elbow strike

haishu uchi - backhand strike

riken uchi - thumb side of fist strike

More thrusts/punches

seiken tsuki -straight thrust

shotei tsuki - heel of hand thrust

mawashi tsuki - roundhouse thrust

hiraken tsuki - extended knuckles thrust, or hyoute tsuki - leopard hand thrust. Samething!

torate tsuki - tiger hand thrust

tate tsuki - vertical thrust

ryutoken tsuki - middle kunckle (dragon) thrust

yama tsuki - mountain thrust

oya yubi tsuki - tip of thumb thrust

More kicks

mae hiza geri - forward knee kick

mae tobi geri - leaping front kick

mikazuki geri - crescent kick

gyaku mikazuki geri - reverse crescent kick

fumi komi geri - stamp kick

ono geri - ax kick

morote tobi geri - double (forward) leaping kick

kin geri - instep kick

More blocks

kake uke - hook block

oyogu uke - swim block

hiza geri uke - knee block

shotei uke - heel of palm block

soto tekubi uke - outside wrist block

sune uke - shin block

tsukami uke - grab block


1 - ichi

2 - ni

3 - san

4 - shi

5 - go

6 - roku

7 - shichi

8 - hachi

9 - ku

10 -ju

11 - juichi

12 - juni

13 - jusan

14 - jushi

15 - jugo

16 -juroko

17 - jushichi

18 -juhachi

19 - juku

20 - niju

30 - sanju

Hope this helps you too. They are variations from dojo to dojo, style to style, teacher to teacher. Been one long night working so oyasumi nasai...good night!

How many nuns could a nunchuk chuck if a nunchuk could chuck nuns?

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OMG! Thanks guys and gals. I hope you're right Heidi. I did read two of the books you gave me (or loaned), but I'm still butchering the term LOL.

I'm going to print this page and put it in my karate bag for quick reference.

Laurie F

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I haven't heard some of them, still its good to know them. Try breaking them down and saying them slowly. What i do with Ryan to get him to know them is say one from the list and then he has to perform the move. As you get more experience and more gradings you will become more familiar with them.

Good idea Kez. My problem is that I am going to grade as fast as I learn each form (up to my current TKD rank), so I have to learn the term super fast somehow LOL.

Laurie F

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just a quick pronunciation key that will help you... of course this is how its said in japanese it might sound different if an english speaker tries to say it..

Vowels work like this

'A' - ah

'E' - eh (like the e in egg without the g's... not like ay)

'I' - ee

'O' - a cross between 'aw' and 'oh'

'U' - oo

so try n sound em out

ka ke ki ko ku

la le li lo lu

ha he hi ho hu

ta te ti to tu

i hope it helps... i know it helped me when i was learning

Brown belt... win trophies... grade... lose trophies... so much fun

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Age Empi - Rising Elbow Strike -

Age Uke - Rising High-Level Block -

Aka - Red -

Ashi - Foot -

Ashi Barai - Foot Sweep -

Ashi Sebaki - Foot Movement/Footwork -

Ashikubi Kake Uke - Hooking Ankle Block -

Awase Zuke - Narrow Double Fisted Strike -

Bassai Dai - Kata - To Penetrate a Fortress (Major) - 披塞大

Bassai Sho - Kata - To Penetrate a Fortress (Minor) - 披塞小

Budo - Martial Arts - 武道

Chinte - Kata - Rare Hand - 珍手

Choku Tsuki - Straight Jab Punch -

Chudan - Body Level -

Dan - Steps showing mastery of the art, starting from 1-dan - 段

Do - Way -

Dojo - Training hall (lit. Place of the way) - 道場

Empi - Elbow Strike -

Empi Uchi - Elbow Strike -

Empi Uke - Elbow Block -

Enpi/Empei - Kata - Flight of the swallow - 燕飛

Fudo Dachi - Rooted Stance -

Fumikomi - Stomp Kick -

Gankaku - Kata - Crane on a rock - 岩鶴

Gedan Barai - Sweeping Low Block -

Gedan Morote Barai - Double Sweeping Low Block -

Geri - Kick -

Geri Waza - Kicking Techniques -

Gi (Do-Gi) - Uniform - 衣 or 着

Go - Five -

Go - Hard -

Gohon - 5 Step/Point -

Gojushiho Dai - Kata - Fifty-four Steps (Major) - 五十四歩大

Gojushiho Sho - Kata - Fifty-four Steps (Minor) - 五十四歩小

Gyaku - Reverse -

Gyaku Age Tsuki - Rising Reverse Punch -

Gyaku Tsuki - Reverse Punch -

Hachi - Eight -

Hachiji Dachi - Natural Stance -

Haishu Uchi - Back Hand Strike -

Haito Uchi - Ridge Hand Strike -

Haiwan Uke - Square Side Block -

Hajime - Begin - 始め

Hangetsu - Kata - Half-moon - 半月

Hangetsu Dachi - Half-Moon Stance -

Heian Godan - Kata - Peaceful Mind 5th step - 平安五段

Heian Nidan - Kata - Peaceful Mind 2nd step - 平安二段

Heian Sandan - Kata - Peaceful Mind 3rd step - 平安三段

Heian Shodan - Kata - Peaceful Mind beginning step - 平安初段

Heian Yondan - Kata - Peaceful Mind 4th step - 平安四段

Heisoku Dachi - Informal Attention Stance -

Hiki - Returning -

Hisami Tsuki - Scissor Strike -

Hiza Geri - Knee Strike -

Ichi - One -

Ippon - 1 Step/Point -

Ji'in - Kata - Kind Shade - 慈陰

Jion - Kata - Kind and Graciousness - 慈恩

Jitsu/Jutsu - Art -

Jitte - Kata - Ten hands - 十手

Jodan - Face Level -

Ju - Soft -

Ju - Ten -

Juji Uke - X Block -

Kagi Tsuki - Hook Punch -

Kaisho Age Uke - Open-Palm Rising Block -

Kaisho Haiwan Uke - Open-Palm Square Side Block -

Kaisho Juji Uke - Open-Palm X Block -

Kake Uke - Hooking Block -

Kakiwake Uke - Floating X Block -

Kami Tsukami - Hair Grab -

Kan - Hall -

Kanku Dai - Kata - To Look At the Sky (Major) - 観空大

Kanku Sho - Kata - To Look at the Sky (Minor) - 観空小

Kara - Empty/Open -

Karate-Do - Way of the open hand - 空手

Kata - Form - 型or形

Katashi Dachi - Crane-Like Stance -

Keage - Snap -

Kekomi - Thrust -

Ken - Knuckle -

Ken - Sword -

Kiai - Concentrated Energy/Shout -

Kiba Dachi - Horse Stance / Side Stance -

Kihon - Basic (also Kata - Basic) - 基本

Kime - Body Tension -

Kizame Tsuki - Extended Punch / Straight Punch / Jab -

Kokutsu Dachi - Back Stance -

Kosa Dachi - Cross-Legged Stance -

Koshi Gamae - Hip Preparatory Position -

Ku - Nine -

Kumite - Sparring - 組手

Kyu - Levels below Black belt - 級

Mae Geri - Front Kick -

Mae Mawashi Empi Uchi - Augmented Side Elbow Strike -

Mae Tobi Geri - Front Flying Kick -

Mae-Ashi Mae Geri (Aka Choku Geri) - Front Kick With Front Leg -

Manji Gamae - "Lambda"-Shaped Praparatory Position or "Swastika" Preparatory Position -

Manji Uke - "Lambda"-Shaped Block or "Swastika" Block -

Mawashi Empi - Hook Elbow Strike -

Mawashi Geri - Roundhouse Kick -

Mawatte - Turn - 回って

Meikyo - Kata - Bright Mirror - 明鏡

Mika Zuki Geri Uke - Crescent Kick Block -

Morote Koko Gamae - Double Handed Preparatory Position -

Morote Tsuki - Double Punch -

Morote Uke - Double Forearm Block -

Nagashi Uke - Rising Palm Sweep Block -

Nami Ashi (Aka Nami Gaeshi) - Leg Snapping Wave Block -

Narande - Line up - 並んで

Neko Ashi Dachi - Cat Stance -

Ni - Two -

Nidan Tobi Geri - Double Jump Kick -

Nijushiho - Kata - Twenty-four Steps - 二十四步

Nukite - Spear-Hand Strike -

Obi - Belt/Sash -

Oi Tsuki - Straight Punch / Lunge Punch -

Osae Uke - Palm Block -

Osu - Acknowledgement - 押忍

Otoshi Uke - Dropping Forearm Block -

Rei - Courtesy/Bow - 礼

Renoji Dachi - L-Stance -

Rocku - Six -

Ryoken Koshi Gamae - Double Hip Preparatory Position -

Ryu - School -

Ryu - School -

San - Three -

Sanbon Tsuki - Triple Punch -

Sanchin Dachi - Hourglass Stance -

Sebaki - Movement -

Sempai - Senior student - 先輩

Sen - Before The Opponents Attack -

Sen-Go-No-Sen - After The Opponent Attacks -

Sen-No-Sen - As The Opponent Attacks -

Sensei - Teacher - 先生

Shi - Four -

Shihan - Senior instructor - 師範

Shiro - White -

Shizentai - Ready Stance -

Shotokan - The house of pine waves - 松涛館

Shuto Gedan Barai - Knife-Hand Sweeping Low Block -

Shuto Uchi - Knife-Hand Strike -

Shuto Uke - Knife Hand Block -

Sichi - Seven -

Sochin - Kata - Tranquil Force - 壯鎭

Sokumen Empi Uchi - Augmented Elbow Strike -

Sokutei Osae Uke - Pressing Sole Block -

Sokuto Osae Uke - Pressing Foot Edge Block -

Soto - Outside -

Soto Udi Uke - Outside Forearm Block -

Sukui Uke - Scooping Block -

Tai - Body -

Tai Sebaki - Body Movement -

Taikyoku Shodan (Aka Kihon) - Kata - Great Ultimate beginning step (basic) - 太極初段

Tate Shuto Uke - Half Knife-Hand Block -

Tate Tsuki - Half Reverse Punch -

Te - Hand -

Te Osae Uke - Dropping Palm Block -

Teisho Furi Uchi - Sideways Palm-Heel Strike -

Teisho Uchi - Palm-Heel Strike -

Tekki Nidan - Kata - Horse Riding 2nd step - 鉄騎二段

Tekki Sandan - Kata - Horse Riding 3rd step - 鉄騎三段

Tekki Shodan - Kata - Horse riding beginning step - 鉄騎初段

Tettsui - Hammer-Fist Strike -

Tettsui Hasami Uchi - Hammer-Fist Scissor Strike -

Tobi Geri - Jump Kick -

Tobi Ushiro Mawashi Geri - Jumping Back Roundhouse Kick -

Tsuki - Punch -

Tsuru Ashi Dachi - Crane Stance -

Uchi - Inside -

Uchi Udi Uke - Inside Forearm Block -

Uchi Uke Gyaku Hanmi - Inside Mid-Level Block With Reverse Hand -

Uchi Waza - Striking Techniques -

Ude Barai - Reverse Sweeping Forearm Block -

Uke - Block -

Uke Waza - Blocking Techniques -

Unsu - Kata - Hands in a Cloud - 雲手

Ura Mawashi Geri - Reverse Roundhouse Kick -

Ura Tsuki - Backfist Punch -

Uraken - Back-Fist -

Uraken Uchi - Backfist Strike -

Ushiro Empi - Back Elbow Strike -

Ushiro Gedan Barai - Reverse Low Sweeping Block -

Ushiro Geri - Back Kick -

Ushiro Kekomi - Back Side Thrust Kick -

Ushiro Ura Mawashi Geri - Reverse Back Roundhouse Kick -

Wankan - Kata - King's crown - 王冠

Yama Tsuki - (aka "Mountain Punch") Wide Double Fisted Strike -

Yame - Stop - 止め

Yoi - Ready - 用意

Yoko Empi - Side Elbow Strike -

Yoko Geri - Side Kick -

Yoko Geri Keage - Side Snap Kick -

Yoko Geri Kekomi - Side Thrust Kick -

Yoko Tettsui - Sideways Hammer-Fist Strike -

Yoko Tobi Geri - Jumping Side Kick -

Zanshin - Remaining mind - 残心

Zenkutsu Dachi - Front Stance -

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

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