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I've got 2 dogs, both sheppard/border collie mixes names Jersey and Chowder (its my favorite soup too, read the thread!)

I also have 2 ferrets, Thaddeus and Lance.

My son has a hamster, Shaak Ti.

I play a wrestling game online. If you'd like to play follow this link

http://www.thewrestlinggame.com/wg.asp?w= 133896

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I want to have a Tiger, oh well, but I am going to have a German Sheperd Dog :)

A drop of sweat spent in practice is a drop of blood saved in a battle.

A person who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the man doing it.


Hi Zapatisa, my mice were pets, (had some rats too). Sounds like you had a very protective and loving dog when you were younger, it's amazing the bond that a kid and dog has. Your right Elkhounds are a very pretty breed.

Don't feel too bad after you are done with school you can make up the lost time for not having a dog.

BTW, very cool name (Pretzel) for a dog!

How many nuns could a nunchuk chuck if a nunchuk could chuck nuns?


We have 2 cats, Frisky and Savannah. I like the little buggers, but miss having a dog.

With respect,


"If I cannot become one of extraordinary accomplishment, I will not walk the earth." Zen Master Nakahara Nantenbo

"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." Samuarai maxim

"Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is Enlightenment." Lao-Tzu

  Leopard claw said:
Hi Zapatisa, my mice were pets, (had some rats too). Sounds like you had a very protective and loving dog when you were younger, it's amazing the bond that a kid and dog has. Your right Elkhounds are a very pretty breed.

Don't feel too bad after you are done with school you can make up the lost time for not having a dog.

BTW, very cool name (Pretzel) for a dog!

Thanks. There's a story behind the name Pretzel though. The Norweigan Elkhound was name Bryna (pronounced Bear-Na, which is supposedly Norweigan for "bear hunter" but I'm not sure if that's true). Anyways, my dad would always call Bryna something other than her name (his favorite was "beer nuts"). So when they got Pretzel as a puppy he decided to name her Pretzel because of "Beer Nuts" & "Pretzels".

And you're right about how amazing the bond that a kid and dog have, and it can is amazing how loving dogs can be towards humans.

Have you all heard about the dog that saved a guy's life? (well there are many but this one is amazing and I don't know how many of you have heard it) There was a guy with a yellow lab and the man was having health problems and the doctors couldn't really figure it out. Well the dog would continually sniff at the right ear of the man whenever the dog had a chance. The man mentioned something about that to his doctor and they did a scan of his head (don't remember if it was a CT or MRI) and there was a tumor growing in the right side of the head. It turns out dogs can smell tumors. There's a man (I don't remember where he lives but he was featured in this story on the news too) who is taking dogs from the pound (so they don't kill the unclaimed dogs) and training them to smell certain things so they can later help humans. One of the things they were smelling was tumors, but there were so much more. It's amazing how dogs can save lives without even knowing it.


i have the sweetest black lab, ,named phoebe!!!

"Never leave that to tomorrow for which you can do today." -Ben. Frank.


I have 2 cats, both "mutts". I've taught one to sit up, like a dog would do to beg.... and they say you can't train cats.... yeah,right! Just gotta have the right motivation.

The other cat plays fetch when she's in the mood. She started doing that on her own as a kitten.

what goes around, comes around

  Zapatista said:
  Leopard claw said:
Hi Zapatisa, my mice were pets, (had some rats too). Sounds like you had a very protective and loving dog when you were younger, it's amazing the bond that a kid and dog has. Your right Elkhounds are a very pretty breed.

Don't feel too bad after you are done with school you can make up the lost time for not having a dog.

BTW, very cool name (Pretzel) for a dog!

Thanks. There's a story behind the name Pretzel though. The Norweigan Elkhound was name Bryna (pronounced Bear-Na, which is supposedly Norweigan for "bear hunter" but I'm not sure if that's true). Anyways, my dad would always call Bryna something other than her name (his favorite was "beer nuts"). So when they got Pretzel as a puppy he decided to name her Pretzel because of "Beer Nuts" & "Pretzels".

And you're right about how amazing the bond that a kid and dog have, and it can is amazing how loving dogs can be towards humans.

Have you all heard about the dog that saved a guy's life? (well there are many but this one is amazing and I don't know how many of you have heard it) There was a guy with a yellow lab and the man was having health problems and the doctors couldn't really figure it out. Well the dog would continually sniff at the right ear of the man whenever the dog had a chance. The man mentioned something about that to his doctor and they did a scan of his head (don't remember if it was a CT or MRI) and there was a tumor growing in the right side of the head. It turns out dogs can smell tumors. There's a man (I don't remember where he lives but he was featured in this story on the news too) who is taking dogs from the pound (so they don't kill the unclaimed dogs) and training them to smell certain things so they can later help humans. One of the things they were smelling was tumors, but there were so much more. It's amazing how dogs can save lives without even knowing it.

That's a very cool story how your dog got it's name. I've heard many stories about dogs finding tumors and growths that Docs can't find. There smell is so far beyond people. I live in NM and at the check points coming back feom Mexico, they have many dogs mix and pure breed dogs that they use to find drugs coming into the states, I think their record is 100%. We also have search and rescue dogs here. They notning short of awesome!

How many nuns could a nunchuk chuck if a nunchuk could chuck nuns?


It sounds like you all have awesome pets and names to go with them..

Never have meet a animal I didn't like!

The only problem I have with my dogs is everytime I try and practice a kata in my house, they think it's game and fun time, bring me their balls and chew toys. Guess I'm going to have to think of a kata against my playfull dogs? :D

How many nuns could a nunchuk chuck if a nunchuk could chuck nuns?

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