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Anything you want to do is good. Look at your other aptitudes, pick something for a career that uses those aptitudes, and includes things you like to do.

Just an example, but don't go be a paramedic if you can't stand the sight of blood, gore etc.

Maybe be a mechanic or plumber if you're good with your hands and tools.

I'm a machine builder, I built semiconductor equipment for almost 7 yrs, and now I'm building power control centers for telecommunications vehicles. (satellite trucks like tv stations use, amongst other things)

I've been in martial arts actively for the last 22 months in TKD, and had been in shotokan karate in college a number of years ago. Did that for 2.5 yrs.

what goes around, comes around


Well, if you want to use your skills then MA instructor is an obvious choice. Other than that, police officer, prison warder, bouncer, personal security or military personnell are good choices.

Gym instructor, PE teacher, sports coach etc would be a good use of the physical training aspect of MA.

As for the mental training side then any job that requires determination, dedication and a desire to be in it for the long haul.

The qualities learned through MA can be used for basically any employment. MA training tends to be character building, an asset for any employer in any field.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!


A Doctor? Or a Diagnostic Radiologist? :lol: (That's what I wanna be! :D)

Anything that you wanna be!

To know the road ahead; ask those coming back... ~ Chinese Proverb

" The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants. " ~ Master Funakoshi


Gym instructor, PE teacher, sports coach etc would be a good use of the physical training aspect of MA


I am a high school P.E. teacher and I also run a fairly big martial arts school. I think the two work well together and I have found that being skilled at teaching one rolls over into the other.

And since I basically get paid to play soccer and flag football all day, I think its about the coolest job in the world.


Mine has nothing to do with my MA, I support stupid people that shouldn't be allowed near anything technical (and thats the good users). I'd love to work in a gym as a fitness instructor. I'd like to help people look and feel great, unfortunately I have no training and can't afford the pay cut. Plus I have a cool boss and a great company to work for.

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.


I'd probably warn you though, if you take a career that requires a lot of hand dexterity, like being a surgeon or artist, it could be in jeopardy if you badly injure your hands in MA. Not saying you shouldn't do it, it's just a concern.

There's no place like


No doubt. My wife, who is a black belt in my dojo, does nails for a living. If she were to seriously mess up her hand it would hurt her livelihood.


Something else would be to consider just how dedicated you are to going to the scheduled classes. If so then you may want to steer clear of a job which isn't as helpful in the area of work availability, especially if it rquires you to work some nights.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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