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  RichardGregory said:
Lots of regular stretching will help you recover quicker

Richard, I'm going to respectfully disagree on this. You should never stretch a torn muscle in the days following the injury because you run a high risk of making the tear worse or reinjuring the muscle. You should wait until the muscle no longer is painful, then do limited range of motion exercises that warm the muscle sufficiently, then perform light stretches that only occur over about 50% of range of movement. Gradually he can progress to deeper stretches if he experiences no pain. Immediately in the days after a bad pull/tear, it is better to simply keep the joint immobile and allow nature to repair the tissue.

I know this from many past experiences, unfortunately. :(

With respect,


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That's what I meant too Sohan. I was just rushing around as I posted. Oops! Should have put a bit more detail in there.

Obviously it's a bad idea to stretch a torn muscle. However, if it's just been pulled or strained, a bit of light (and I do mean LIGHT!) stretching keeps it from knotting up too badly.

Richard Hang Hong

Chief Instructor

Seitou Ryu Karate

Find me on Facebook!Seitou Ryu Karate

  RichardGregory said:
That's what I meant too Sohan. I was just rushing around as I posted. Oops! Should have put a bit more detail in there.

Obviously it's a bad idea to stretch a torn muscle. However, if it's just been pulled or strained, a bit of light (and I do mean LIGHT!) stretching keeps it from knotting up too badly.

Unfortunately, every little movement with my leg beyond that of a short walking step makes it feel like it is stretching! It is feeling a little better now, though. I am still nervous about trying it, however.


Sorry to hear about your injury, my foot still pains me a little bit.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu


Sorry to hear about your injury, hope you're better soon! :)

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