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My first MA related injury!

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After 13 years of martial arts participation, I have acquired my first torn or pulled muscle, resulting from class participation. :x

I am so frustrated now!! I was just starting to get excited about some new training ideas and philosophies, and I was beginning to get an idea of how I want to define myself as a martial artist. I was going to have my brother start working with me on some Hae Sul (Korean Bunkai) applications, and now, poof! :x

I know I won't be down forever, but it is just so frustrating! And the way it feels right now, I don't think I will be able to kick for a year without risking a pop on that muscle.

I just wanted to vent. Thanks for listening. If you have anecdotes, inspiration, other funny stories, or anything to add or offer, feel free to drop it in.

Gracias, all! :bawling:

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It does suck! I had surgery on a tendon in my foot. I was out for three months and it was tough. I got through it I've been back for a little over a month and was able to pick up from where I left off. Martial arts may be a big part of your life but it will not kill you to be away from it for a while. Hope you have a quick recovery.

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That's terrible news. There is nothing worse than getting injured while training while doing something you enjoy and is fun for you. A torn muscle or tendon?? Which one? If you tore your muscle, I hope you are getting some medical attention for it! Same goes for tendons! If it just pulled, ice it and take it easy for a few weeks and you'll be good to go. I tore my ACL MCL and partially tore my meniscus in my right knee playing deck hockey. That was a miserable thing. But I am rolling around in my BJJ class and not having any problems. It'll get better, and you'll be right back into it....have faith!

Mixed Martial Artist

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that stinks, sorry. On the bright side it is your first martial art injury. So that is awesome. I'm like the queen of injuries. I should own stock in velcro with all the braces I wear :D I'm sure you will be better soon, hopefully it's not a groin muscle. If I guess your personality from your posts you are already trying to figure out a way to work out on one leg :D I have done a lot of training that way after back surgery and two knee scopes but hopefully yours won't come to that. Take care and rest and do your techniques in your mind which will make you sharper when you go back 100% which won't be long because we Martial Artists heal fast and furious :brow:

"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. They will say you're not good enough, strong enough or talented enough; you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. ………..….


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Awwwwww Bushido....big hugs for you!! Hope you feel better soon. Take it as a good excuse to sit and watch martial arts movies with lots of choccies.

Kez xx

Yeah, I have considered a few titles already. Too bad the new movies out aren't on DVD yet! There are about 3 I want to see in the movies now. However, I do have a nice collection to choose from. :D

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That's terrible news. There is nothing worse than getting injured while training while doing something you enjoy and is fun for you. A torn muscle or tendon?? Which one? If you tore your muscle, I hope you are getting some medical attention for it! Same goes for tendons! If it just pulled, ice it and take it easy for a few weeks and you'll be good to go. I tore my ACL MCL and partially tore my meniscus in my right knee playing deck hockey. That was a miserable thing. But I am rolling around in my BJJ class and not having any problems. It'll get better, and you'll be right back into it....have faith!

It is just my hamstring I pulled. It is a little bit better today, with not doing anything and a lot of sleep. Still tender, though.

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that stinks, sorry. On the bright side it is your first martial art injury. So that is awesome. I'm like the queen of injuries. I should own stock in velcro with all the braces I wear :D I'm sure you will be better soon, hopefully it's not a groin muscle. If I guess your personality from your posts you are already trying to figure out a way to work out on one leg :D I have done a lot of training that way after back surgery and two knee scopes but hopefully yours won't come to that. Take care and rest and do your techniques in your mind which will make you sharper when you go back 100% which won't be long because we Martial Artists heal fast and furious :brow:

I am supposed to have my regular weapons fighting day with my friends this Friday, and I have been frustrated because we have missed out the last 3 weeks, and I'll be danged if we are missing this week because I have a bum leg! :lol: I think I'll be hiding behind my shield quite a bit.

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That's gotta suck bushido_man. I know how you feel. I pulled a muscle just inside my thigh at a tournament a couple of weeks back and it's still giving me grief. If you tore the muscle I guarantee you'd know about it it as it feels like you've wet yourself/started bleeding. Unfortunately torn muscles take ages to heal properly, my fiancee tore her hamstring in class once and it was about 2 years before it was back to 100%.

Richard Hang Hong

Chief Instructor

Seitou Ryu Karate

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