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I have started joging in the mornings, I do 10 mins about 1500 M will this be enought the burn fat and get fit, I also train 2 2hr sessions a week?



"perfection, is something we all get closer too with training, but you will never get there and untill you accept this your mind will be limited in what you can achive"

- Dave

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Speeding up the metabolism by exercising (jogging) generally causes more calories (carbohydrates) to be burned and not fats.


You see, there is a difference between burning calories of carbohydrates and fats. Most people seem to be under the impression that increasing the body's metabolism results in fats being burned but this is one of many weight loss myths. This is not true as the increase of burning calories will be from carbohydrates which has little to do with ridding the body of its present level of stored body fat tissue. In other words, speeding up the body's metabolism is very important but is only an addition to a healthy diet program.


Increasing the body's ability to begin burning calories is just one step towards the goal of losing weight. For example, let us say that you have increased your metabolism through aerobic exercising and yet you have not changed your poor eating habits. Certainly you will be burning calories at a much faster rate than per usual but the types of calories being burned will do little to rid the body of its actual fat tissue. Take advantage of speeding up the body's metabolism by following a healthy diet capable of burning actual body fat tissue.


Lower intensity exercise burns more fat calories than higher intensity activities. The more intensely you exercise, the more carbohydrates (and the less fat calories) you'll expend. During aerobic activity, your body uses two kinds of stored energy for fuel: fat and carbohydrates/sugar. The intensity of your exercise session determines how much of each energy source is utilized.


Many people believe that a long duration of low- to moderate-intensity exercise is the best way to lose fat. That's because at an easy pace, working at 60% of maximum heart rate, approximately 50% of the calories you burn come from fat. If you exercise at a higher intensity, say 80% of heart rate max., only 40% of calories



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thanx for you help, i must add thought i have been joging first thing in the morning before work/food, so I was told this burns alot more fat and the is less carbs and sugars in you body to burn, but you advice is good and I will take it into account.



"perfection, is something we all get closer too with training, but you will never get there and untill you accept this your mind will be limited in what you can achive"

- Dave

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