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Hello, I do Goju Ryu and i was wondering what the kada/belt system was for other schools in my style. I mean, at what belts do you learn what kadas?

In my school, i varries between age-groups, but if your above 14;

(bare with my spelling)

White belts do San Dan Gi kada's

10th-geikie sai di ichi

9th- di ni

8th-still di ni




I am more curious about the black belt part of it though

for jr. blackbelts, i know you learn sanseiru and seipai, but i am not sure and i highly doubt you learn karumfa when you still a jr. shodan.

But then, if you have been a Jr for at least 4 years, when you turn 18, you test for nidan instead of shodan.

my explination of how my school works may be a litle confusing...but i am really just curious how other schools do it, so please share! :D

"good enough is the enemy of excellence"

Shodan Goju Ryu karate-do under Sensei Gene Villa

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Quite similar in my school

White learn Taichioku (jodan,chudan,gedan)

Yellow Gakisai (Ich, Ni)

Orange Sanchin and Tensho

Green Saifa

Blue Seyenchin

Brown Shisochin

1st Black Kururunfa, seipai

2nd Black all others.


We use both Shotokan and Goju Ryu katas in our school.

Here are the Goju Ryu ones

Yellow - Taigyoku Shodan

Orange - Shotokan kata

Green - Saifa

Blue - Gekisai Dai Ichi

Red - Shotokan kata

Brown - Sanseru

Brown + black tip - Seiyunchin

Brown + 2 black tips - tensho + a shotokan kata

1st Dan - Choose from Seipai or 2 other shotokan kata

2nd Dan - Choose from Kurarunfa or 2 other shotokan kata

3rd Dan - Choose from Shisochin or 2 other shotokan kata

Richard Hang Hong

Chief Instructor

Seitou Ryu Karate

Find me on Facebook!Seitou Ryu Karate

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