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Hunters & Gatherers diet


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Hi peeps :grin:


Anyone tried the Paleolithic Diet? Basically it's about eating the way our ancestors ate - before we got hooked on high carb cereals & processed junk.


Here's a few links to whet your appetites :grin:










2nd Degree Black Belt : Doce Pares Eskrima https://www.docepares.co.uk

Qualified Instructor : JKD Concepts https://www.jkdc.co.uk

Qualified Fitness Instructor (Weights, CV, Circuit, Kinesiology)

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YODA, I haven't looked at the links yet..


But isn't that what I'm attempting to do by going into ketosis ? Have a look at my post if you haven't



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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YODA, I'm on my third day now.. First couple of days I felt like absolute **** and had a bit of a headache on the second day which sleeping fixed up and I went to BJJ in which I tired out in the first couple mins of sparring & found the rest of the training session really hard. I did inclined & declined pushups with 20kgs on my back on Monday, I managed to get out 20 out in my first set of inclined which I've never done before with 20kg on my back, then I got 10, 8 which I normally get, but doing decline pushups I failed on 6,5,4 and I'm still sore today.


If I don't get back to how I normally feel within a couple of days, I'm going to be eating a few carbs before I work out. I'm feeling better as the days go by though. I just want to lose a quick 5kgs so I should be around 8% body fat.


A few people don't think this diet is a good idea, but they haven't tried it have they ? I'll make my own judgement in a couple of weeks.. I've lost a couple of kgs which I think is water from no carbs..


I'm certain this is the way to lose weight though, because I cut carbs dramatically from my diet when I was 15 in the form of soft drink, make up, etc, drinking only water and I lost 10kgs playing division one basketball 4-5 times a week.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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I'm not at all hungry either.


First day, I ate 3 meals & 2 snacks.


Second day, 3 meals & 1 snack.


Third day, today, 3 meals.


I think about food out of habit, but I realise I'm not hungry and forget about it within a minute.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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YET another post, I'm sorry but I'm really fascinated by this diet..


My grandparents who are just over 60 look and walk a lot older. My grandfather has alzeimers (sp?), high blood pressure, heart disease and maybe a few other things.. My grandmother isn't too good either.. My other grandparents are into their 70's, look and walk a lot better, you would think their ages are the other way around!


My grandparents who have health related problems have eaten a high carb diet & a lot of fast food..



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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Hey Bon, here's a coincidence for ya. Dr. Atkins was just released from the hospital today, recovering from a heart attack last week. His spokespeople indicated that the attack is in no way related to being on the Atkins diet for years and years, but from a holistic perspective that seems like kind of a ridiculous statement to make.


Anyway, I was on a high protein/low carb diet for a month or two (not trying to lose weight, just doing the supportive thing for my dieting boyfriend). It wasn't the Atkins diet, I think Protein Power or something to that effect? When we first started I felt weak, sick, had headaches, and felt like I had lard seeping out of my pores from all the meat we were eating, really pretty disgusting overall. I think it took a little less than a week for me to start feeling normal again, after that things were fine. He did lose weight, not significantly more or less than he had on low-fat diets he'd tried, but didn't stick with it (couldn't handle all those eggs every morning!).

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Technically, Atkins didn't have a heart attack. It was from an infectious condition that existed prior to all this. They honestly don't know what it's from. Granted they haven't disproven that it came from his type of diet, but that haven't disproven that it is innate, or that it is genetic, or anything else for that matter. I'm not saying low carb is the only way to go, I'm just saying that there's no way to know as of now.


Dave :cool:

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Yes, I didn't mean to imply I think everybody on the diet will get a heart infection (the news release I read said cardiac arrest which was secondary to his pre-existing condition), I think it's silly for anyone to make claims either way. Regardless, he doesn't make a very good poster boy for the diet in general.
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