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Hi guys. Ok so our club isn't competition based, we hardly ever enter competitions as a club. Our sensei does have club comps but only for the children, unfortunatly for me there isn't many adults within his club so he doesn't do adult comps.

Sensei always says that although we dont compete as a club there is nothing stopping a student of his competing if he/she wishes to do so. The thing is i am 2nd kyu and i have never entered a competition and i feel i'm missing out on a very good experience but i am scared. I was talking to the assistant instructor tonight and he said in competition kumite you get hurt and the women can be quite aggresive. Also i would probably have to go alone and i wouldn't have a clue of what to do. He also said that he would recommend that i enter one for the experience alone.

I really don't know what to do, how to enter, at the same time i am itching to have a go. The way i see it is that if i don't like it i don't have to do it again, at least i can say i have tried!

Kez xx :karate:

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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I love to to compete.My dojo isn't into compotion either but they support anyone who wants to go.We will help them train for it and give advice from our past comp experiance.I do it to see how I do againist people I don't constantly train with.And see were I need to improve.Try to get someone from the club to go with you and atleast watch.They can pick up on things you miss while competing

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Osu Kez,

Its a pity that your club does not have things setup so as to allow young adults or adults to compete.

Competition regardless of what anyone says can benefit the student like no other challenge in their martial arts training.

It is akin to learning how to swim but doing it onland and not actually touching the water, getting a feel of what the body experiences when one plunges in!

Competition even though looks to be set up in a winners are grinners type of thing, is one of those events in our art that allows us to face our fears, to challenge oneself and to put oneslef under pressure is a sure way to learn about yourself very quickly.

What i would suggest to you is:

1, Look around your area for tournaments using rules similure to your own

2, See if you are able to take part

3, Speak to your instructor to see if they will support you

4, Read the Tournament Rules and train accordenly

5, Compete and learn a little more about Kez

Good Luck!

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Thanks for that. I appreciate all advice. I would love to have a trophy or medal just to say i have done well and i have worked for it. So what your saying is that i need to train according to competition rules, but first i need to know what the rules are. I don't even know if i can fight good enough because we don't do an awful lot of it at class. It's not that i'm a show off and go parading round in my gear all day just to let people know what i do. I just take my karate very seriously and i'm passionate about it, so if i don't compete i feel like i'm missing out. Do you understand what i mean by that? Like i'm not reaching my full potential. Anyway i will speak to my sensei about it on monday. Thankyou.


Kez xx

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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Go watch a competition first. See what it is all about and gain ideas on what you will need in order to compete and how to train. Good luck.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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Hey brandon not seen you around for a while. I am considering watching a competition first, but i am having problems finding one, i googled it but still no luck. Also a question, have any competitions or tournaments gone onto DVD that i could buy?

Kez xx

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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Yeah sorry I have poked my head in but I have been busy. Location change on the dojo more then likely and delayed opening uggrah.

Anyway there are tournaments on video I know yamazato productions has some I am not sure how accurate they are to tournaments in the UK. I was going to compete in London one time but could not leave the states long enough to do it. I would check out Yamazato Productions though https://www.yamazato-videos.com they should have the versions in PAL format for you. If not try Amazon UK. Hope that helps a little but if you have any questions let me know and I will try to help as much as possible.

Brandon Fisher

Seijitsu Shin Do

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