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A typical diet & ketosis/insulin balance.


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Chicken is generally more lean than many other meat sources.


Other sources of protein include dairy products, eggs, and oatmeal. And if you don't have all of those available, a good whey protein powder can never go amiss. :smile:




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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speaking of the X-factor simple sugars (soda etc.) use up the body's supply of insulin leaving you high and dry when you need it most.


Food fact: the carbohydrates in vegetables are assimilated in as little as 10 minutes. Think about that next time you reach for a candy bar for quick energy.


"Annoying the ignorant since 1961"

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Many nutrition experts disagree with the basic premise of the Atkins Diet(high-protein, low-carbohydrate weight loss diet )—the notion that high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets cause obesity. For evidence of the implausibility of the Atkins Diet, some nutritionists point out that the traditional Japanese diet is very high in carbohydrates, low in protein, and very low in fat; however, before the introduction of high-fat and high-protein Western foods, being overweight was rare in Japan. Such findings make sense because ounce for ounce, carbohydrates contain far fewer calories than do fats. These critics blame the overconsumption of calories (from any source) and lack of physical activity as the primary causes of obesity.


I followed this diet some months back and clearly found that because I train regularly it was not for me! I need carbs for energy .. pure & simple. I nearly passed out on many ocassions and developed awful mood swings! (to put it nicely :angel:) Carbs are the chief and preferred energy source for the body. Just be sure to avoid the simple and refined carbs and go for the complex carbs.


*Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes. The body breaks them down slowly, so they provide a controlled, even energy source. Complex carbohydrates contain high levels of vitamins and minerals, which prevent disease and serve thousands of functions in our bodies. They are also excellent sources of fiber, which promotes healthy digestion, lowers blood cholesterol level, and decreases risks of certain cancers.


*Simple carbohydrates are found in honey, molasses, fruits, and fruit juices. Fruit juice is a rich source of vitamins, but simple carbohydrates may cause your blood sugar level to rise and fall rapidly. To reduce this effect, consume them with complex carbohydrates or protein.


*Refined carbohydrates are found in table sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and other sweeteners. They contain few nutrients and may also cause blood sugar to rise and fall rapidly


Everything in moderation I say!


Moderation means eating a medium amount – not too much, not too little.


Moderation means not getting carried away trying to do the right thing. Fiber is good, but that doesn’t mean eating 10 oat bran muffins a day is a good idea.


Moderation means avoiding fads and quick dietary fixes.


Moderation means not getting stuck on just a few foods.


Moderation means beginning to change your eating habits at a reasonable pace.


Moderation should be used when consuming sugar, salt, fat, and alcohol.




KarateForums Sensei


1st dan Black Tae Kwon Do


CardioKickboxing/Fitness Inst.


[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-04-25 09:11 ]

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Hi all, Im not exactly a health guru as you all know. I lost 50lbs and have kept it off. I just stopped eating junk food and foods that were high in fat and grease. More chicken less beef. It is amazing what happens when you stop drinking the brews and drink a lot of good old H2O instead. Also I cant resist my carcinogens in my diet soda. I have tried diets before this and they never worked. This simple adjustment to my dietary habits along with reg. training 4x a week has worked wonders.


Helpful Hint ...Hide the chips!!! they are dangerous :brow: :brow: :brow:



Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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"Moderation means eating a medium amount – not too much, not too little.


Moderation means not getting carried away trying to do the right thing. Fiber is good, but that doesn’t mean eating 10 oat bran muffins a day is a good idea.


Moderation means avoiding fads and quick dietary fixes.


Moderation means not getting stuck on just a few foods.


Moderation means beginning to change your eating habits at a reasonable pace.


Moderation should be used when consuming sugar, salt, fat, and alcohol. "


I agree with you KickChick, that is moderation. That is what I was speaking of. I haven't eliminated carbohydrates out of my diet, I have just cut them down. I did much what shotochem said, I cut out a lot of crap. I am not looking for a quick fix, but because of an Atkins-like diet, I have become much healthier. I still eat fiber, in moderation of course. I avoid sugar and salt, and I haven't drank a drop of alcohol in my life. Fat I do avoid, but not as avidly as everything else. I changed my eating habits over a period of three months, and I am still constantly changing it when I find other healthier foods. Now I gulp down water like there's no tomorrow. I agree, everything in moderation. Everybody has different metabolisms, everyone needs different diets along with their lifestyle, I just was saying what has worked for me.


Dave :cool:

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I just weighed myself, I'm 79 kg.. haven't been below the 80 mark for a couple of months. =) I can now do 80 push ups, that indicates I haven't lost any muscle.. I had to really push myself to get to 50 before.


Tonight, I'm going to eat all the carbs I want & see how my body reacts.



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I was 81, then I got on the scales at a tournament and I was 82, came home and checked my scales which said 83. A lot of the weight loss is due to water since I'm not eating carbs, which retain water in the body.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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I've been rolling on the mats tonight no problem. I've had more energy than I've ever had before and I put in a hard hour and a half of study before BJJ which didn't leave my brain fatigued at all..


If carbohydrate addicts consume carbs less frequently, once a day (generally at tea) within an hour it shouldn't effect them. In this time, they're allowed to consume as many carbs as they want, but they should have a good balance.


I'm testing this out, so for tea(bar the good balance), I just stuffed myself with pasta and meatballs, drank a bottle of coke, ate 2 choclate biscuits, had half a glass of apple juice. I didn't feel like all of this, I forced myself to eat all this, feeling pretty full at the moment.. but, not sick..


I've probably broken ketosis & doubt I'll be in it tommorrow, but it's not essential for fat loss, just speeds things up. Figured I would experiment with this diet as much as possible before school goes back to see what works best for me. If I feel like I did on the first 3 days tommorrow, I won't be eating carbs at all. But, I do know I'll definately be keeping this diet as I feel excellent and I can do a lot more mental stuff with my brain than what I could previously. I had 7 hours sleep last night and I'm not tired at all, generally I can't function on any less 9 and I always fall alseep before bed time.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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