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Hello everyone,

I am from Europe. I have one problem. I would like to start dojo, and to train seidokaikan karate here in my country, Serbia and Montenegro. I have problem because it is hard to find any Seidokaikan school outside Japan. It is hard to find contact of honbu in Japan through the internet. I would like to get licence from seidokaikan honbu to start that karate style in my country. If someone knows anything more about that and may help me, please contact me or post a reply to this message.

Best regards,

Zarko Dukic

1st Dan in kyokushinkai karate IKO1

Serbia and Montenegro champion 2003 - ... (actual)


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Seido Kaikan Chubu Honbu

Hirokoji Park Bldg. 2F

19-20, Nishiki 2-chome

Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi

460-0003 Japan


(011 +81-52-221-9555)

Hope that helps. If that is not the one you are looking for let me know and I can see what else I can find.


I will try with that contact information, but I think it is not the main honbu for all dojo's which is, I think, in Osaka. Thank you very much, I'll call them to see if they can give me any help.


How about this one?

Seidokaikan 3-1 Nishiki-Machi Kita-Ku, Osaka, Japan Attn: Mr.Nobuaki Kakuda Tel. 816-537-1810,

  • 9 months later...

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