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How is this for a workout plan

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This is the plan that i have been working on for about 2 months now. i have seen many changes but i would still like to now how you think it can be improved?

Monday - Abdominals Workout (40 mins - crunches, reverse crunches, russian twists, butt ups, cross body crunches and oblique crunches.

Tuesday - Jump rope Fartlek style for 40 minutes ie fast - 1 min, medium 1 min, slow 1 min

Wednesday - Weight traning all over body

Thursday - Run for 35 minutes

Friday - Flexibility Traning

Saturday - Off

Sunday - Flexibility Training, Pad work, Sparring (60 minutes)

As well as this i practise line work, patterns, punches and kicks every day. I also stretch every day for 20 mins or so.

please reply with your thoughts on improving


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Me three, that routine needs some work..... for example on your monday doing just abdominal workouts doesnt seem much... unless your going for a lot better abs or something, and you should be doing flexibilty workouts every-day. *Hint* *Hint* stretching before and after workouts.

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i agree with everyone else, let us know what your overalll goal is and maybe we can give you some advice to help critique your work out plan. To me it seems that you are not working enough like mentioned above. You should do a combination of multiple things in small moderation and have one main area of the body to work with each day. I think you have the basic idea down, just need to tweek it a bit.

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My basic goal is for better flexibility and caridiovascular endurance, i also want more power. at the moment i am quite fit and mesomorph-like but i dont have much flexibilty. i dont do isometric stretches every day as it is dangerous but dynamis stretches i do every day

please post thoughts or questions

A machine can do the work of 50 men, no machine can do the work of one extraordinary man though

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Also think about training smart, your storing up problems if you do 40mins on your abs but nothing on your back. If your going to do one weights workout a week at best you can hope to keep your current physique! So think about maybe stetching with 15min pulse raiser, then a cardio session of another 20min to 1hr, vary this runnning, swimming, cycling etc then a weight session, combine muscle groups into pairs (biceps+back, triceps and chest etc) only doing one group (properly) each time. make sure to start with you have 2 rest days between each work out day, then as recovery improves 1 rest day between each work out day. Lastly stretch after weights or you'll take weeks to recover. Train with a partner and motivate/spot each other. Can't help any more without knowing goals. Think about finding a physio/personal trainer to write a program for you.

Hope this helps


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I personally do 1 body part per day for 5 days out of a week(40 min workout). With a 10 min. warm up before hand. Then two days a week I have karate which usally suficces for my cardio. Occasonally I throw in a mile or so run.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum."

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Also, like some of the other replies stated, you need to express your goals. If you want size cut down on cardio. If you want to be cut/ripped, increase cardio. I personally like a combo of both. All body types are diffrent so you'll need to find what works for you but having a single day for entire body weight lifting is not a good idea.

The most body parts I would train in one day would be 2. And I would make them opposing body parts such as triceps/back one day, rest, bicepts/ chest another, rest etc.

Or you could just do what I do and lift 5 days a week one body part with cardio before as this get your heart rate up as well as serving as a warm up for the lifting . This is also much faster so it eliminates having to be in the gym for 1 1/2 hours every other day.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum."

- If you want peace, prepare for war-


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