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6 pack Training

Jeet Kune Do

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What is the best and faster way of getting a 6 pack, I have one coming but it is a bit deformed the left half of it (your left) is a little highr than the right side, how can I get it back to normal shape?

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Do what I did.

Eat lots of junk food and drink lots of alcahol!

This turns the stomach into a smooth rounded shape. = no uneven 6 pack

(for the gullable - it's a joke)

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

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from waht i hear, ab exercise, a lot of cardio, and most important diet should do the trick. getting all taht done is tough.

Im brasilian, but live in the united states. Really enjoying martial arts.

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Visibility of the abs = low body fat.

Shape of the abs = genetics.

Basically, the abdominals is one sheet of muscle that goes from your ribcage all the way down to your pubis bone in the front. What makes the "pack" or the ridges is sheets of tendonous fiber that helps contain the muscle. That's something that you can't change.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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  • 4 months later...

Your diet is of the utmost importance when you're main goal is a 6-pack of shredded abs. You need to consume nutrient dense foods and eliminate all empty calories from your diet. Try thinking of your body as an supercharged race car. You would never put low octane fuel into a race car so make sure to focus on putting high octane, nutrient dense food (fuel) into your machine (body) to run optimally.

Abs are like any other muscle group. They need to recover to grow. Give them at least 24-48 hours to rest, repair and grow from your ab workouts. Also, always make sure to mix up your ab training workouts and hit the area from different angles to maximize the intensity.

Here are some great abs routines and workouts to keep your training new and exciting:

Abs Muscle Workouts - Strength Exercise Routines

Best of luck!

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Well kinda like everyone else has said. I managed to get a 4 pack from a beer barrel, unfortunately I had one day of junk food and cakes and now im back at square one. If you are serious about it, it takes lots of time. I do:

15 full sit ups

30 twisting crunches (30 to each leg)

15 crunches

30 crunches with weights

25 (not sure what they are called but put your legs about 6 inches off the floor and push them out and pull them in.

Not alot and along way off from the exercises that bad959fl has listed but its a start.

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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The only 6 pack, sorry to say, that I ever had, again sorry to say, was the one the one I bought at the store. Of course the best 6 pak I ever saw was on a 1970 1/2 Challenger T/A 340 Six Pak :D

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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No offense Orion, but I'd be thrilled if you made much progress with that workout. I train abs every other day in this manner:

1x50 V-sits (For me, the hardest crunch-like excersise there is)

1x60-80 Crunches with rotation

1:00 of an isometric excersise (leg lifts, planks, etc)

1x20 Good Mornings with a 25lb plate

1x100 crunches holding a 25lb plate

1x25 Full sit-ups with a 25lb plate (I don't do many because they are hard on the back)

1x25 Full-body sit-ups

I cycle through the whole thing (except the V-sits) at least 3 times, with other excersises, like flutter kicks, excersise ball stuff, and rotational drills. thrown in.

I'm having a problem, though. I work my abs hard but I am never even sore. Can anyone help bring intensity to my ab excersises?

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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I'm having a problem, though. I work my abs hard but I am never even sore. Can anyone help bring intensity to my ab excersises?

Your workout regimen has made your abdominal muscles more tolerant of lactic acid and less prone to inflammation, therefore you don't get "sore" or even likely much of a burn. It's par for the course as you get better at ab work. Try higher reps, much slower reps with fuller contractions, peak holds, reps on a machine, etc, anything different and more intense from your normal routine to break out of that rut.

With respect,


"If I cannot become one of extraordinary accomplishment, I will not walk the earth." Zen Master Nakahara Nantenbo

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