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well ive been training mma and once a week we do gi and twice no gi but anyways im new and ill admit im not good yet but theres also a couple of other new kids in my class, ones like 12 but these kids are always fighting like there lives are on the line when in reality were doing light sparring. anyways after a demonstration i was watching the young kid sparr with a guy in my class whos a yellow belt in bjj and the yellow belt locked the young kid in an RNC and this dumb kid thought he was gonna be tough and not tap and sure enough his eyes started bulging and the instructor and to break the hold and this kid couldnt get up for quite some time. he eventually did and he just left the class with his mom. it was actually pretty scary but im wondering if any of you have ever been passed out? im afraid to enter a tourny and get knocked out but is it scarry? dangerous?

I have trained in TKD and kickboxing for 2 years.

looking to learn a new martial art

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you pass out, dont worry about it, unless the you were being held for sometime. at a tournament, they'll break it up if you pass out. even in class once ina while its ok. dont make it a habit. i wouldnt worry though.

Im brasilian, but live in the united states. Really enjoying martial arts.

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I've gone completely unconcious about 5 or 6 times, its not a big deal after the first few.

The first time can be quite scary for some people, because you have all these endorphins running through your system, and when you regain conciousness, you have no idea whats going on (for a brief moment, you wont know where you are or what has happened today- it'll be as if you work up that morning).

After the first or second time, you'll wake up feeling like you just dosed of in class- you can get yourself together and jump back in to the class at that time.

Is it dangerous or does it have side effects? There is no evidence to support any of this so far. Just recall that going unconcious as a result of a choke is quite common in BJJ schools, and I've never heard of someone not waking up or being "hurt" from being choked unconcious from any of the people I train with (so thats like in the past 15-20 years roughly).

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If you get put in a choke it is better to tap than get choked out. One thing that helped me was not looking at tapping as giving up, look at it as if you are giving the other guy a pat on the back for a job well done.

It is scary the first time you get choked out, its like you keep struggling to get free and get blood or air back to your head but there is realy no hope.

"Without Jiu Jitsu its like without my two legs."

-Rickson Gracie


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Its happened to me, but nothing big, just during a drill with a grappler...

I thought if i could pound on his body while he was doing it, he might back off, didnt work and thats the result.

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

William Penn

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Its happened to me before, woke up feeling good actually.lol! but some people react different to it, seen people get really freaked out, seen one guy get a bit violent and throwing a few punches when he woke up thinking he was in real danger..

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Any time a person loses consciousness it's big deal.

Please do not let anyone tell you othewise.

It is more dangerous if it is a direct result of a blow.

Restriction of blow flood, although not as dangerous, could still result in further injury down the road.

Be safe, and think smart.

The Martial Arts are serious, and are not just a game or sport or hobby...

Take care of yourself!

Good luck!


Current:Head Instructor - ShoNaibuDo - TCM/Taijiquan/Chinese Boxing Instructor

Past:TKD ~ 1st Dan, Goju Ryu ~ Trained up 2nd Dan - Brown belt 1 stripe, Kickboxing (Muay Thai) & Jujutsu Instructor

Be at peace, and share peace with others...

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Heck yeah I've passed out while I was grappling. I was grappling another more experienced woman and she has a killer lapel chocke, anyways, I went out so fast I didn't even notice the transition. While I was out it was like I was dreaming. However, when I started to come around, it felt like I was swirling in a toilet bowl. My head was spinning around and around. My goodness I thought it would never stop. Anyways, don't worry about passing out in a tournament. They only way you should fell bad or ashamed about passing out is if you are being tough, You know, holding out as long as you can, then you should feel ashamed, because you know it is comming. That is bad jiu-jitsu.

shodan - Shotokan

Blue Belt - Jiu-Jitsu

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care the themself without that law is both. For wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, If I die you are forgiven-- such is the rule of Honor.

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Here are at least four basic dangers to be aware of when doing jujutsu and or judo holds or throw that may cause unconsciousness:

1 ) To perform a "choking" hold on subjects with cardiac disorders or hypertension - could cause harm.

2 ) To apply "choking" on youngsters whose central nervous system and heart have not yet attained complete development - could cause harm.

3 ) To continue to hold after the subject falls unconscious - could cause harm.

4 ) When a person hits the ground (or other object) during or just after passing out - could cause further harm.

Just because something bad hasn't happened, doesn't mean it will not.

Always be proactive, and make sure there is someone qualified to take over in case of an emergency situation.

Because of wind change, it is best to throw caution to the wind, and not pride. © - Me

Current:Head Instructor - ShoNaibuDo - TCM/Taijiquan/Chinese Boxing Instructor

Past:TKD ~ 1st Dan, Goju Ryu ~ Trained up 2nd Dan - Brown belt 1 stripe, Kickboxing (Muay Thai) & Jujutsu Instructor

Be at peace, and share peace with others...

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The other time it can cause harm is when it is a choke across the windpipe, you likely won't pass out but can damage it causing swelling. You will talk funny for a few days, in worse cases you will have trouble breathing, and in even worse need a tube stuck in your throat.

This is different from a "blood choke" though, which is relatively safe and I think a fairly accurate way of looking at it would be "fainting", on a healthy adult it shouldn't do any damage, but that doesn't mean do it regullarly. If you pass out due to holding out and refusing to tap you're an idiot, make a habit of it and you're instructor will likely show you the door.

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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