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exercise for girls


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There has been a lot of topics on gaining muscle and losing the fat percentage for mainly guys but how about females how would a female go about staying fit getting cut but staying lean? nutrition? exercises?

I also heard it was harder for a female to get into shape than a male.

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There isn't much difference because when it comes to losing body fat, the principles are the same. Less calories, more cardio. I don't know where you heard that it is harder for a woman than a man to get into shape. That's simply not true. It has alot to do with your body type, methabolism, etc.

Most of the exersizes men do are just as practical for women to do. At all of my MA schools, we all did the same calisthenics. and I have seen many women do weight training at my old gym and they trained the same as men, although they just used less weight.......some times :dodgy:

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There isn't much difference because when it comes to losing body fat, the principles are the same. Less calories, more cardio. I don't know where you heard that it is harder for a woman than a man to get into shape. That's simply not true. It has alot to do with your body type, methabolism, etc.

Most of the exersizes men do are just as practical for women to do. At all of my MA schools, we all did the same calisthenics. and I have seen many women do weight training at my old gym and they trained the same as men, although they just used less weight.......some times :dodgy:

Well put, Glock.

It is harder for women to get down to the same bodyfat percentages as fit men, simply because they have more fat tissue (Chest, etc). It is possible (My school owner is at about 11% currently), just a little harder.

All the exercises that men do should be doable by women as well.

One thing, if you start missing periods as you get more trained, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Highly trained, low bodyfat women athletes often miss periods. I would check in with an OB the first time just in case, though. :D


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