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tricep exersizes

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Does anyone have some good tricep exersizes?

This realy seems to be a weak muscle group, espesialy with women and I would like to start strengthening them more.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, a spirit of power, and of self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

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pushups with elbows close in rather than out to the side, dips, triceps pressdowns (Done on a machine)

If you have access to dumbbells and a bench:

Kickbacks - Put one hand and one knee on the bench, grab a dumbbell (DB) in the other hand. Keep your upper arm parallel to the floor, and extend the db back and up

Pressups - Take a DB in one hand, raise your hand like you were asking a question, palm facing in. Lower the DB to touch the back of your shoulder, press it back up.

Cross press - Lay on your back on the bench, a DB in your hand with your hand and arm straight up. Lower the db so it touches the front of the opposite shoulder, extend it back out.

Pretty much anything that causes your lower arm to go from bent to straight will work the triceps, so get creative if you want! :D


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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My top two, no equipment exercises:

Close grip pushups: Assume regular push up position, place hands close together under chest, do full pushups. Keep elbows tight to body. Turning them out hits your anterior deltoid a bit more. Works outside and middle head of tricep.

Tricep extension pushup: Assume regular pushup postion, move hands close together above the line from your forehead down to the floor. Lower elbows to floor, raise, repeat. Important that you try to keep your elbows relatively close together. Works inside head of tricep. Not a full pushup motion, just moving your body up and down from the elbows up.

You can make these more intense by raising your feet (like putting them up on a chair or Swiss ball) and less intense by putting your knees on the floor.

Do loads of reps - works conditioning, doesn't add much mass - don't get me wrong, you see differences, just don't get big like you would from high wgt, low rep weight training.

If you've got a chair or two, dips between chairs.

Position chairs a bit more than leg's length apart, seats facing each other (backs out of the way). Put hands on edge of one of the seats, fingers forward, palms back (thumbs are in). Put feet up on other chair. Dip. You can make this less intense by only using one chair and doing it with your feet on the floor, more intense by putting a light weight in your lap.

Careful with folding chairs. They can fold up and smack you on the back of the head. (been there, done that).

Daily Alaska Winter type activity.

When shoveling snow, reverse the grip of the hand on the shaft of the shovel (ie: hand is palm down). When you throw the snow, try using the tricep of your the hand on the shaft rather than pushing with the handle. Careful on that one, you can put your elbow out.

"When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, then you can head off your foes with a balanced attack!"

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Dips, skull crushers (dangerous), close grip bench press.

Checkout this website


What's so dangerous about skullcrushers? :-?

"You know the best thing about pain? It let's you know you're not dead yet!"


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Dips, skull crushers (dangerous), close grip bench press.

Checkout this website


What's so dangerous about skullcrushers? :-?

I have heard more and more people dropping the bar on their heads. Hence the namd "Skull Crusher" ;)

I do it with a low cable pully machine. This way, If I cannot make it and hit muscle failure (Like I do almost every time with Super sets) I just let I go, and it flings back.

I don't have to be the best, just better than you!

Working towards 11% BF and a Six pack

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Technically, you don't bring the bar to your forehead it's a common mistake and it's harder on your joints. The bar should be brought to just above the head. Also, I have heard of people dropping weight on their chests benching as well. Basically it's what happens when people pile on too much weight, grip improperly or otherwise fail to use common sense. Unfortunately there will always be such people with us. It doesnt make the excersize itself dangerous.

"You know the best thing about pain? It let's you know you're not dead yet!"


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Yeah, there was a guy in my old gym that ripped both pecs and dislocated a shoulder by having his friends hand him two way heavy dumbbells, tried to do a chest fly on the bench and refused to let go of them. When they hit the floor, they took his arms with them.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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