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TUF finals were better and more action packed the UFC 55.

Awesome fights! I usually hate fights that go to decisions they are boring to watch. 3 out of 4 fights went to decision and all the fighters action packed and awesome.

3 out of my 4 picks won! well more like 2 out of 4. I wasn't sure about kit kope vs kenny florian, until kenny got mount on kit is when I picked florian to win.

I knew before rashad and Imes fight. That rashad was going to win, but Brad Imes kept coming at rashad no matter how much punishment rashad gave him. Brad was like the terminater no mater how many times he was hit he just kept on comming to destroy rashad.

Either way, rashad earned his win! He deserved it. He will be a force if he drops down to 205.

Luke Cummo vs. Joe stevenson, Even though I was hoping luke would win. I like both fighters, and I knew joe was going to win. I didn't think it would go past the 1st or 2nd round let alone to a judges decision. Luke was awesome and I defiently think danna will bring him back to the UFC.

Both fighters did awesome!

Nick Diaz vs. Deigo Sanchez I thought Diaz was going to win. I was impressed with Deigo, I thought it was pretty lame the excuses and stuff Daiz said in his post fight interview.

Diego was good to watch but I hate hearing him talk. He is annoying!

Over all great fights!

What did every one else think of the fights.

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Agree with u 100%. Very good finals and the match between diego and diaz was a must see for grapplers. Escapes and reversals being displayed with awesome skill. I just watched PRIDE bushido middle and lightweight tournaments and I have to say with the exception of the very top guys in UFC, the class of fighter was much higher and more well balanced. Both Rashad and Imes would get killed in this league, along with most UFC fighters.


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Missed it! Who was fighting on the bushido card. I haven't watched any of the recent prides lately. I have the old ones though.

I think imes and rashad would get killed by UFC guys as well. Such as bunetello, sylvia, and especially arvolski

Sanchez vs. Diaz was good. I was impressed about sanchez quickly taking diaz's back several times.

Diaz is very flexible, he should pick up some of Eddie's guard. He coudln't keep sanchez from posturing up. Sanchez kept standing up in his guard and droping down elbows on diaz.

I think if he was able to hold him down he would be more likely to sub him. Or worked on more wreslting to keep it standing he would be able to strike with sanchez more. Since sanchez didn't want no part of Diaz's striking since he kept shooting for the take down.

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I was hoping diaz would win, but I was impressed by Sanchez. Its sucks that Karo got injured, I thought he had a shot against Hughes.

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yeah it was a good show. I was hoping diaz would win also. I think they are both tools. Then the trash talking by diaz by not giving sanches in props after sanchez beat him. oh well!

Over all great action packed fights. I was really impressed with Luke cummo and was hoping he would win. Both fighters are great!


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Yeh, some seriously awesome fights. I picked Luke day one, though I knew going into this match that Joe would probably win. I was pleased that Luke didnt give up his arms nearly as much as in early matches (I figured he'd give up the armbar and that's how he'd loose).

Of course I kinda would have rather seen Luke/Jason fight since they are both unorthadox in different ways and full of heart.

I wasn't a big fan of Rashad very early on, but I got to like him as I saw him fight.

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A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

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I wasn't a fan of Luke's until his fight with sam morgan

I didn't like Joe until his fight against Jason.

Yeah jason is unorthodox but I think Luke had to much skill and would have beaten jason.

I thought early on it would have been Jorge Gurgel and Joe stevenson.

Marie, who's your pic's for UFC 56 card?

So why were you a Luke fan from the begging? You thought he was going to do good before he even faught?

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I think Quarry/ Franklin is going to go to Franklin as he has more experience, but that is really all I base that on... Quarry hasn't fought the cream of the middleweight crop yet, but he has done really well in the fights he was given, so he could be able to step up his game when his opponent demands it. Hmmmm... I'm not sure...

Matt Hughes will win no question- Joe Riggs doesnt have it to beat him standing (which he'd rely on) and especially not on the ground (where Joe's like "I can ride out his ground work" or something- not the confidance in his grappling skill one would hope for). Matt Hughes is annoying but an awesome and proven and experienced fighter.

Other than that, St. Pierre, Horn, and Hoger, but I don't really know about the other fights. I actually dont really know about those three much at all, but thats what my boyfriend says, and he watches a lot more than I do, so I'm going with him.

From the beginning, I figured Luke wouldn't have gotten onto the show without a fair amount of skill, plus his quirkiness, I thought would throw any apponent off- at least in the beginning of a match- to give Luke the early advantage. I also thought that since he followed such strict dietary and lifesyle guidlines, I figured that he had developed a real sense of discipline. Also, thinking that you have something extra on your side like a sneaky move, a good luck charm, a religious helper outer, or some health/mind/body strength due to lifestyle helps out in a fight (or anything really) as extra confidance that, "if the other guy is just that good, at least I have....". Then, after he fought I was way impressed.


You suck-train harder.......................Don't block with your face

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

-Lao Tzu

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I like y our pic's and I agree. I don't know any thing about the other 3 guys also on ufc 56 card hear there names before a few times on diffrent forums but haven't seen them fight.

I don't agree that Hughes can beat joe standing. Joe would KO Hughes in my opinion if Hughes tried to stand and trade with him. It will be a good match. I don't see hughes KO'ing Riggs. So probably I still see Hughes with the Win. Although Joe could take the win also. Most likely it will go to hughes, via, TKO, submission, or more then likely judges decision.

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