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Is it true that girls can become more flexible then guys?


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personaly i think it's all on the person, girls would probably more flexible IF they were cheerleaders or a gymnist, but that's for obvious reasons

i cant give ya any proof, but it seems anyone can be as flexible as another, it just takes some work to get that flexible (seems yoga helps sometimes too)

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It's a fallacy. After more than 26 years of stretching and practice I am not anymore flexible than my boys but am more flexible than my girls. I think it is all about body type, structure, and composition.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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well I have noticed that more girls are what I would call "flexible" , but theres a lot of guys that are "flexible." As for me I consider myself flexible for a guy.From my dojo,theres only two guys that can do splits(including me :) ) , and only one girl that can drop a full split.

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i was the same when i was doing karate

i was the ONLY person (including my instructor) that could do the splits

but i was also pushing my limits whenever we stretched in the beginning, which helped out alot (and being young helped too)

but im sure if ur in shape and push urself hard enough u could become pretty flexible

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I am female, but I was not flexible at all when I started. I couldn't even touch my toes! Now, I can do a split (right leg out) and I can go to the floor with a V-stretch (that's with 5 years training and a couple of injuries, and a bum hip which is still "bugging" me here and there).

BUT I know a couple of guys that got me beat. One is twice my size, but he was a football player (and many other sports). Another is a BB in Isshin ryu. Both are really good. I look up to them eventhough, in this style, they are lower rank then me. Both of them can kick my butt LOL.

Laurie F

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for me to touch the floor in the V stretch took me less than a year.Anyways i find it weird that I'm a big 195 lb. guy that can outstretch most kids at my dojo and my instructor.Also I'm not that young for me to be that flexible(supposedly) because you guys say that people can be very flexible as kids.

https://www.samuraimartialsports.com for your source of Karate,Kobudo,Aikido,And Kung-Fu
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technically speaking girls are mroe flexible than guys becuase thier muscle groups are smaller smaller muscles =greater potential flexability but that doesnt mean that you cant be extreamly flexible if you train to be

The key to everything is continuity achieved by discipline.

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