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fighting someone bigger


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for the past few weeks a kid that is a about 5-11 or 6 ft has been wanting to fight me n im ony 5 6 two weeks ago we squared off n he hit me in the face once n i sayed stop so he stopped at that time i thought it was over then yesterday i puled up in my car to pick up my friends were that kid happend to be n he came up to my car n hit me again in face for no reason n ithink if i dont do ne thing its going to keep hapening so ne advice how i can take this kid o yeah n he's kinda fat n hes got skinny skinny legs

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well depends what martial art do you take? what advanteges do you have over him? and most importantly what are your disadvantages?

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

William Penn

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Why does he want to fight you in the first place? Better to attack the root of the problem then be hit in the face everytime you see him.

O Sensei said that everyone has a defined sphere of strength and if you can get them outside that sphere then their strength will disappear. I say, EXPAND YOUR SPHERE!

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next time you see him pretend you dont, wait for him to walk up and try to hit you then step into him as he throws a punch and elbow him in the nose. Then when he staggers back in suprise kick him in the side of the knee. If hes already hit you twice dont mess around with him. (I havent had any martial arts training, Im just telling you what id do).

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always better not to fight . If he is taller he probably has better reach than you so keep moving , find your gap or opening and make the most of it . Never let him set his feet . And try not to get hit too much (it hurts ).

We are not so much individual beings as individual points of perception within one immense being.

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Nose, groin, ears, knees. Use things on your body that won't get hurt much (Such as knees and elbows.) Don't give any advance warning of your intentions if you can.

Still, better to talk or arrange for a witness to the abuse if possible first.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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Get your friends to witness what he does then go file a restraining order against him. The Police will deliver the summons. The next time he comes close to you, remember every detail, make sure you have witnesses, and call the cops. If he hits you--he's toast.

Let me explain what the results are for this guy if he is over 18 years old. He will get a permanent criminal record. You should press charges. Get a good lawyer and sue the guy for intimidation and emotional damage caused. The court and law are on your side. Depending on the local laws he could face misdemeanor or even felony charges. The city prosecutor will make that decision. More often than not they will plea bargain and he will serve less time, but in exchange for a guilty plea.

This will hurt the guy the most. He will forever have to deal with the criminal record. This is worst than punching his lights out.

Besides fighting isn't recommended. You said you don't have the training. It's not worth having this guy possibly open up on you and escalating a simple punch into a full on fight. You can ask the guy not to hit you any more. Maybe ask him why.

He could just be getting off, an ego rush from it. Let the law screw with him.

Finally, I would invest in some martial arts training.

If you had been properly trained, you could possibly have nipped this thing in the bud from the beginning. But, only you have the full details. Seek legal advice. Go to the police station and let them know what's happening. They will give you some options.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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You haven't displayed an awareness as to 'why' he is doing this and, as you indicated, you have no training. You will 'not' learn how to fight or defend yourself with a few comments off the internet. Learning how to fight, how to defend yourself, will take years and you have a problem 'right now.' Knowing 'why' someone assaults you is a thing that martial arts training will eventually provide, as well as help you 'avoid' confrontations in the future. I agree with "Martial Artist" that you should invest in some martial arts instruction. The payoff is immediate (health and positivity) and future (confidence and security).

"Martial Artist" has provided the best advice under the circumstances. Seek 'professional' assistance through the law, because that's what it is there for. He is committing a felony, even if he doesn't think he is. The laws were devised to protect people who are being victimized and he is likely taking advantage of your ignorance on this issue. All the comments "Martial Artist" presented are valid and should be followed. Let this guy learn that you're not ignorant of your rights.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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