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Could someone please tell me about Jeet Kune Do? I really know nothing about it, and I would like to learn its origin, strong points, weak points, goals, and what they train most.

Thanks in advance :)

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go to your local library, and check out the tao of jeet kune do. it's an awesome read, and most readers aren't even jkd students.

strong points are that it comes pre-mixed, taking most of the best and trying to put it together. you become a very well-rounded fighter.

weak points: it really don't look all that intimidating compared to some traditional MA until you have to actually use it- i know it sounds stupid, but looking like you know what you're doing is probably the 1st line of defense when you're already in a fight.

jkd probably isn't the best idea for anyone who has no experience in MA. train a few yeas in one art before starting to get a good base. jkd is basically what the student makes of it. I did tkd beforehand- so my kicking and sparring skills were pretty good. things that changed afterwards: my lead straight is now my go-to tool instead of a roundhouse/sidekick combo, i switched from left lead to right, and my footwork's improved drastically.

and no matter what anyone says, it's not about bruce lee. it's about an idea we so readily embrace nowadays thanks to UFC and other stuff... instead of sticking to one style, switch off into different styles as you see fit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

JKD was started by bruce lee. It is not a style in the traditional meaning of the word. It is a set of principles stated in the book the Tao of JKD. Those principles where applied to varous styles assembled in a mixture. There are various mixtures, the one I'm studing comes basically from the Dan Inosanto lineage it has: Kickboxing/Muay Thay punches and kicks, Kali weapons, Wing chun trapping BJJ grappling, and some close fighing techniques taken from silat. All these styles are assembled by very experienced teachers following the original principles. Being non-traditional it is contantly evolving, JKD today is different from the original core from Bruce Lee but retain the same basic principles.

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it has all ranges of combat and it takes all that is usefull and throws away all that is useless.So if you find your shotokan knife hand strikes usefull then keep them.

"to have no style as a style"

"to have no limitation as a limitation"

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Hey my first ever post!!!!!

Im studying JKD at the moment. JKD is a concept not a style. It is based on the essance of many traditional and modern arts. It encourages self discovery and learning. It is fluid, elusive and street practical.

You learn many rules until they become second nature, and only when you understand fully can you ever discard them. Many people misinterprate, style of no style by meaning, you can throw away anything, first you must research and THEN use what works for you. You can only break the rules by knowing WHY you are breaking them, for your own personal effectiveness.

Im working on alot of boxing drills at the moment but the classes are always changing, grappling and kicking and so forth, its great fun and a great way to get in shape!!!

Be like water my friend!!

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becuase last year I was going to sign up for jkd,and when talking to one of the guys at the school, he said there was no sparring, just drills and etc.

We do have sparring... in our school at the beginning is like light contact kickboxing sparring (with low kicks) then gradually becomes something like MMA with some padding and full contact. At some stage (not beginners) we also have stickfighting sparring.

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When your past fundementals and grade 1, 2 in our class. Grade 3 is real sparring, as in full contact...mostly using boxing and kick boxing. Escrima stuff later. Its very important to really get used to the fundementals first, otherwise your just scrapping without knowing why things work.

The mix of punching and kicking, plus the grappling side, really got me into this art.

Be like water my friend!!

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