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Yellow eyes...

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I have blue eyes, but I have noticed that around the brim of my pupil there is yellowish color. I just wanted to know if I should worry about this or if it is just normal. I drink alot of cokes so I thought it might have been something with the caffeine in the drinks so I'm starting to drink more water. I have not been sick any, but it just worries me. Thank you for your help...

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I have the same thing, it even fluxuates sometimes, one day it wont be there and the next it can be almost all of my eye, i wouldnt worry about it concidering that ive had it all my live and have been tested negative for every liver disese, then again my father died from hep C.... get it checked out for saftey sake :)

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Its not yellow in the white part of the eyes like people with hep c, but I think I will get checked just for sure. Oh and I think its just with the colors of my eyes and all I mean its just like around the brim of the pupil. The black spot for you idiots that don't know :roll: .

90% of teenagers have tried smoking pot OR drinking. If you're one of the 10% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your Signature

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Well some people just have unique things about their eyes, its probably nothing but yea you should maybe get it checked

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Its not yellow in the white part of the eyes like people with hep c, but I think I will get checked just for sure. Oh and I think its just with the colors of my eyes and all I mean its just like around the brim of the pupil. The black spot for you idiots that don't know :roll: .

Actually, some of us idiots know that the black spot is called the iris. :D The color around it is the pupil, and the white is the sclera.

I would have it checked, but I wouldn't worry too much. Yellow in the eyes can be caused by a lot of things. The primary medical dysfunction that causes this is jaundice, which indicates a problem in the liver. Diet can affect this, as can many other non disease events.


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Its not yellow in the white part of the eyes like people with hep c, but I think I will get checked just for sure. Oh and I think its just with the colors of my eyes and all I mean its just like around the brim of the pupil. The black spot for you idiots that don't know :roll: .

Actually, some of us idiots know that the black spot is called the iris. :D The color around it is the pupil, and the white is the sclera.

I would have it checked, but I wouldn't worry too much. Yellow in the eyes can be caused by a lot of things. The primary medical dysfunction that causes this is jaundice, which indicates a problem in the liver. Diet can affect this, as can many other non disease events.


Haha...must have got mixed up when I posted that post. So dumb of me.

90% of teenagers have tried smoking pot OR drinking. If you're one of the 10% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your Signature

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