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Mr. Mini Muscles

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um, working out isn't just with weights, it's all aspects of fitness. doesn't mean they involve aerobic and anaerobic exercises, but doesnt mean they don't.

Joshua Brehm

-When you're not practicing remember this; someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you.

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Before I say anything, do NOT do bicep curls, or any isolating exercises, they only teach your body how to use those muscles by themselves. If you want to get more mass on your biceps do reversed pull ups, they hit the biceps very well and they also are a compound movement (which is what you want if you want to train to help with your ma training. But, you really shouldn't care about how you look, instead worry about performance. If a sports car looks totally awesome with the best paint and incredible looking shape, but has a v-4 with -100 horsepower, what good is it?

ordinarily I would completely agree with that, but he wants mass in his biceps specifically. curls would be best for that. It doesn't matter that they are isolation as long as he is still doing compound exercises. I'm all about compund, and I do curls as well - it's a vanity thing - chicks dig big bis.

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I laugh the hardest at people who only work out. Especially when they never do cardio or anything like that. I look at them and think, sure you have muscles, but what can you do with them?

umm... powerlifters are among the most functionally elite in the world... it's due to the explosive power they build doing powerlifting regimens. They've been known to have very fast sprint times and exceptionally high vertical jumps.

Steroids are used even in amatuer competitions...

I think going to the gym every once and a while is okay. But once you start focusing on your muscle size, instead of what your muscles can do for your when you're doing sports, then you're going down a weird, drugged out path.

Nothing wrong with muscle size. i am a big guy. the key is lifting properly, not how big or little you are.

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e&k, I think you mean to say olympic lifters are among the most functionally elite, olympic lifters are the ones generally known for their sprint speed and jump scores. But powerlifters are in incredible shape as well, specially the students in WSBB. I would hate to get into a fight with one of those guys.

Joshua Brehm

-When you're not practicing remember this; someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you.

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As I've said, I don't want to be a bodybuilder or look like I have several snakes inside my body trying to escape when I flex. I just want to have a little more mass behind my strikes.

If a sports car looks totally awesome with the best paint and incredible looking shape, but has a v-4 with -100 horsepower, what good is it?

If I knew jack about cars, I would agree with you. But I don't, so I'm just going to nod and smile... :D

I do get what you're saying, though, and I think I agree with you.

American Kenpo Karate- First Degree Black Belt

"He who hesitates, meditates in a horizontal position."

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lol, basically, it means, if the car looks like a ferrari (very very fast/flashy/expensive brand) but has the engine of a 30 year old ford escort, what good is it? Meaning, if you do isolating exercises meant to work one muscle at a time and get loads of mass, but don't teach your muscles how to work as a team, meaning you have nothing to show for the mass aside from looks, what good is it? And besides, if you train properly for functional fitness, you WILL add mass. And it's all mass that can be used to the fullest.

Joshua Brehm

-When you're not practicing remember this; someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you.

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Hi guys . Have been following this thread with great interest and have a few questions . Seeing as muscle size has a direct corolation with strength and muscle specific or hypertropic excersizes obviously have major benefits , does adding a hypertrophic phase not add to available strength and stronger technique in martial arts ?

I do agree that power lifting is more sport specific and builds the strength for more explosive power and olympic lifting or whole body excersizes along with plyometrics completes the package . But would a small phase of hypertrophic excersize not increase potental for power ? I am not talking about the extent that would be in a bodybuilder routine but more like a six week phase in a six or eight month rotation .

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I'm only slightly familiar with hypertrophic training, could you explain what it is best you can?

Joshua Brehm

-When you're not practicing remember this; someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you.

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HYPERTROPHY by definition is an increase in muscle fiber size. Some sports require more muscle hypertrophy than others, but all athletes can benefit from muscle hypertrophy due to the positive relationship between muscle size and muscle strength. The goal of the hypertrophy phase is to increase muscle size, and muscle endurance so that the body (i.e. muscles, ligaments, tendons) are prepared for more intense training in the strength and power phase. The Hypertrophy phase is identified by high volume (i.e. sets and repetitions), and moderate to high intensity (i.e. weight used). The Hypertrophy phase also isolates and focuses on specific body parts rather than specific body movements .

We are not so much individual beings as individual points of perception within one immense being.

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