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MA Goofs & Blunders

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Had one of those "you had to be there" moments in class last night.


We were going through some basic techniques, and I had the class number off. Ie: they would each count a number and we would do a technique for each person in the class.


After the initial confusion of timing and remembering the terminology for the beginners, we were progressing well - until one of the kids sneezed - PERFECTLY in time with his turn to count... The class lost it... :D:D:D

Keep Smiling!

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We had a similar episode a year or so back except the body noise came from "down below" as oppose to the face. Although technically I did eminate from somewhere near his cheeks..:P
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  • 4 months later...

I know this thread is old, but I just had to add one of my experiences.


There was a new girl at my dojo and it was her first day of sparring. I was supposed to explain to her about sparring and be her sparring partner. So I was giving all these tips and saying don't worry sparring is fun. Well we were in our stances and getting ready to spar when I rolled my ankle and I accidentally fell down before I even started to spar. Luckily no body else saw me but her.


Also one time a yellow belt in my class went up to a "new" person and was giving him tips in karate. He (the yellow belt) also corrected the "new" person's stances. At the end of class, sensei introduced us to his old instructor...surprise it was the "new" student. :lol: You should of seen the look on the yellow belts face.

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I have one or two of these about myself.


#1 I was about 2 years into my training. My Sensei and I used to stretch together after class. I was lying flat on my back and he was pushing my right leg in a scissor type stretch. I was pretty limber then so he was sort of close to me. I proceeded to accidentally trumpet this huge fart all over the poor guy. He was none too happy about it.


#2 I was just getting back into my training with the same guy mentioned above. I decided to wear my old heavy weight gi to class to be a bit nostalgic. We were stretching before class. I bent over to grab my ankles to pull my head to my knees and the seam on the butt of my gi pants gave way with a LOUD tearing sound. So there I was with my butt hanging out in class with everyone laughing at me.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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Also one time a yellow belt in my class went up to a "new" person and was giving him tips in karate. He (the yellow belt) also corrected the "new" person's stances. At the end of class, sensei introduced us to his old instructor...surprise it was the "new" student. :lol: You should of seen the look on the yellow belts face.




Oh that's just too funny!!


I've actually done that before (corrected an old instructor), except that I knew who he was. He just really needed my help.


And yes, I took some pleasure in this, considering that this guy was an enormous jerk. :evil:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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My most embarassing moment came a few months ago. I was running late for * and just stuffed my gi into my bag before rushing out the door to go to *. When I got to the dojo I discovered my 'gi' was actually 2 gi tops but no trousers (anyone else done that??). Well, we usually keep a couple of spare gi's in the changing rooms, so I borrowed a pair of trousers from the spares and headed into class. They were a bit big, but I was running late so I couldn't do anything about it.


I went into * and sensei asked me to lead the warmups. We were doing warmups moving up and down the dojo. One excercise we did was like a 'leap' side to side moving forward down to the other end of the dojo. I set off and was almost at the other end of the dojo when I got the leg of my too-big trousers caught round my foot, tripped and flew head first towards the fire escape! What made it worse was that it was hot, and so the fire-escape door had been propped open to let some air in. I sailed straight through the open doorway and cracked my head open on the steps outside! D'oh!


It was doubly embarassing because we had a few new kids start that night and sensei had told their parents that I teach the beginner class. The parents were watching and I could see from their faces that they wern't sure if they wanted me to teach their children after all! :lol:


I've also hit myself in the face with my belt accidently a few times too. Oh, and gone to kick the heavy bag with mawashi-geri and slipped and landed on my @ss, much to the amusement of my sensei, who'd only praised my mawashi-geri about 2 minutes earlier!

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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One time, my older brother accidentally grabbed my gi pants from the laundry pile and tried to put them on. He didn't even notice that his pants were two sizes too small, until I tried to put on HIS pants and couldn't keep them up. :roll:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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I had something similar happen. My boyfriend and I wear the same size uniforms, BUT the logos on the back are different (we go to different schools).


I was in a hurry. I was late for work (I also work at my dojang). I quickly grabbed my uniform (so I thought). Once I got to the dojang, I realized I accidentally grapped his top. I felt bad. I didn't want to wear it, so I ended up wearing my t-shirt for class. I felt out of place. I told my instructor, and of course, he busted my chops LOL (in a nice way, that is). Good thing about the after school program that I help teach is some of the kids don't have full uniforms (just a school t-shirt and dobok pants), so I just looked like one of them LOL.


It doesn't sound very funny but ya had to be there.

Laurie F

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