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MA Goofs & Blunders

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I think one of the best moments I can remember was at a tournament. There was a large group of us watching kata in a particular ring, when this really little kid (maybe 4yo?) came pelting along the side of the rings. However as there was quite a few people walking up and down the pathway, this kid decided to take a shortcut in front of one of the judges.


Now, in most of the tournaments I've been to, running through the rings is strictly prohibited. This was no exception. The judge made an attempt to grab the kid.. before I go on, I must mention that this judge was a huge guy, maybe 120kg?... and this kid was really moving! Anyway, the judge instinctively reached out for the kid, but kept watching the kata. He mis-timed his grab and ended up completely coathangering this little kid. :o :o :o


The kid's legs have kept going and he's ended up doing a sort of flip and landing on his face. The kid was ok, a little shaken up, but completely unhurt. It was the funniest thing we'd seen, and we still refer to it as "The coathanger of all coathangers" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Keep Smiling!

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Gloi wrote:

How about this for a strange thing to happen.


A class was taking place with some blackbelts who were sparring with the aim of the exercise being to try and take the opponent to the floor. Suddenly one of the women does a back flip and crashes to the floor. Her partner couldn't understand what had happened as he hadn't touched her. She couldn't work out what had gone on at first either. What she had done was she had seen a flash of black and grabbed at it thinking to grab the other person's belt as part of a throw. She had actually managed to grab her own foot with a black training shoe on it


and ended up throwing herself. Duh!


I couldn't stop laughing at this. It's hilarious! Sounds like the kind of thing


I would do.


Has anyone tripped over their own feet? I have!

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once i was kicking at a pad somebody was holding up and i guess they were holding it too high and i did my best to kick it but i guess both my feet came off the floor and next thing i know i was laying on my back w/ a killer headache


and once we were practicing jumping and the 2 teachers were holding up a rope for us to jump over and they would start low and slowly get higher and higher untill it was about as high as my nose and i knew i couldnt make that but i sure wasnt gonna say that so i run and try to dive over it into a forward roll but i land on my shoulder and almost break it


yeah that sucked


and once i ate like 4 pieces of pizza b4 class and then in the middle of class i had to run into the bathroom and puke and everybody heard and boy was that bad :(

14,purple belt,TKD

talk to me i'm fun

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It was 'before my time' so to speak, but I heard a rather amusing story about a Shotokan instructor I once studied under. Allegedly he went in to a black belt test slightly congested from a cold. Now...remember this is Shotokan and try to visualize it...a cold Saturday morning...three or four guys lined up in seiza on the tatami patiently waiting for the judges to call them up. One at a time they go up, when called and perform their kata. Finally it's my instuctors turn. His name is called, he says 'Hai!' and rushes up and bows before the deathly silent and stern looking judges. There he is, trying to look all calm and meditative...


'Call your kata!'




...and hawks a great big wad of phlegm from his throat across the room right onto the table in front of the judges.


Bucket Man



Orange County Martial Arts Social Club

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A funny thing happened in class tonight. I took Shotokan for about three years a while back, and I've been taking Shito Ryu for almost a year now, just for fun and to fill up the extra nights in my week in which I don't have a different martial arts class. Anyway...We were all lined up and doing kata from the begining, and it just so happened that the person doing kata next to me had ALSO taken Shotokan before. Well heian and pinan forms are basically the same, only with different stances and a bunch of small little detailed differences. Well...apparantly somehow the 'Shotokan Spirit' started to come out between us, and somewhere between sandan and godan we ended up transitioning over to doing the Shotokan version of the forms...and somehow we never noticed that we did this.


...until the instructor walked over to try to figure out what the hell we were doing.


Bukcet Man







Orange County Martial Arts Social Club

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Yeah, I slip into shotokan version of kata all the time :roll: Old habits die hard!


But luckily BOTH my Sensei and Sempai are also ex-Shotokan and understand completely!! They just say "No, we don't do that empi in Wado pinan godan remember?" :D


One of the funniest things I ever did was at a demo. Our club was doing a kata demo at the local church fete. Me and Sempai stood up to do Pinan Yodan. Now, we'd been spending a couple of weeks intensively working on Kushanku, so when it came to the similar parts of the kata, we both did the wrong thing - Kushanku instead of the pinan! We paused for a moment waiting for the other one to do the right thing, and eventually carried on correctly.. Sensei was laughing at us so bad later that day!


And the worst thing.. it was all recorded on camcorder :o



2nd Kyu Brown Belt, Wado Ryu Karate-do

"Daniel-san best karate still inside!" Mr Myagi

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One time I ate a International Omlette at IHOP about an hour before class. I was alright until sparring time when I had to fight the instructor an he nailed me dead center with a sidekick. I was lucky it wasn't worse but I still had a turtle head pokin out

So recognize or be hospitalized

Cuz literally on a scale from one to ten I'm 25.

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