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Why were you influenced to join karate?


Why did you start karate?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Why did you start karate?

    • Influenced by media/film
    • Interest in eastern roots
    • Parents/siblings/friends
    • Influenced by other martial art
    • Fitness & flexibility
    • Spritual
    • Fighting
    • Other (please say)

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Many many reasons.

One being I had joined when I was younger, but had then quit. Rather, my parents made me quit. They didn't like the instructor, and actually, I wasn't a big fan of him either. He messed with my brother too much....

Another being, my dad made it to brown belt in TKD. I wanted to make it that far in something like that, too.

Then, one of my best friends is in the MA. He got me to the school we're at now.

I always did have a faint interest in the Eastern culture, but I didn't know it would apply to karate as well. Actually, anything spiritual or mental I didn't know about....I thought it was just a bunch of fighting and memorizing kata. Oh, how wrong I was....I'm so happy I was wrong....And, as someone else said earlier, the longer I stay, the more reasons I find to keep going...even when Sensei won't open the windows or turn on the AC in this dreadful OH humid heat....

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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I originally signed my daughter up and my sensei said, "Why don't you come & join us. Give it a try."

well, I liked that first class so much I've kept going ever since. Now I'm a Go-Kyu.

(edited for grammatical errors)

"Pain is weakness leaving the body".....my Makiwara tells me so.

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I was influenced by my family (father & brother were/are judoka) and a friend of mine who had started karate only a couple of weeks before I did.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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well i had originally singed up for kung fu but was ripped off at a mcdojo.then i looked around found a goju ryu dojo,so l looked up the style and became interested in it because of it's strong kung fu influence.Also it looked pretty legit and it's kinda close to my house.

https://www.samuraimartialsports.com for your source of Karate,Kobudo,Aikido,And Kung-Fu
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I put influenced by other martial arts.

I started my MA journey with kickboxing after more then 1 year of training I felt the need of something which includes other aspects of martial arts (forms, tradition, self defence applications) so I switched to Go ju ryu karate and never regret.

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I began my study of the martial arts in 1971. At that time I was a 5yr old with some major anger control issues. My family (mom, dad, 4 older brothers and 2 older sisters) all trained in various styles from Western boxing to Hapkido. I was placed in training after an incident where I tried to shoot one of my brothers with a .38. My parents had tried therapy and I was one of the first children to be prescribed medication (thorizine). The martial arts has saved my life. The lessons I have learned in training has protected me from physical harm, but more importantly, I learned how to control the "beast" inside me. I have heard my sensei's words "If you don't control yourself, someone else will" just about every day of my life. Those words have kept me out of prison. I will always be greatful to my parents, and my sensei for having the wisdom to teach me through the arts that you must have discipline and self control.

"Not every tiger will pounce, but every tiger may!"


United States Combat Martial Arts Association International

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Why was I influenced? Well to make a long story short I was very weak and not very physically inclined. I simply didn't think physical combat skills or physical anything was necessary and considered it a waste of my time. Then I got a girlfriend, something I didn't previously think possible, and my perspective changed. I knew I could stay out of trouble and protect myself (run, negotiate, simply not be there) from just about any situation. But I wasn't sure that I could do that for my girlfriend or my future family now that I knew it was possible I could have one. So I decided to give karate a shot. It was either this or learn to use a gun. In my life I have learned that the less you rely on external things the more you will have when you need it. Karate seemed to better fit the bill so I gave it a try.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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Well, I also started for many reasons, Ive been wanting to study for a long time but i lived in a small town and my family didnt have alot of money growning up so I never got the chance. then 2 years ago me and a friend decided we both wanted to to something and looked at all the schools and decided on 1 but then money got tight again and it got put on the burner for another year, but once I got money again we went back and joined and have been doing ever since :D

There is no teacher but the enemy.

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I have to be honest....16 years of hard work and dedication were totally brought on by the Karate Kid movie series...Hey, don't blame me too much, 7 is a young and impressionalbe age. To this day they are still some of my favorite movies. Very cool Topic monkeymagic.


"train until the art becomes an artless art, flowing from the unconscious."

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