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Ever kicked through a wall?


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Long ago in our dojo we had a guy put his head through the wall.

Jason B.

Hendersonville, NC

"I'm not really eccentric... I'm not eccentric unless that means 'crazy', which I am, probably." - Kyoshi Doug Perry

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My head and shoulder went through a wall once. My sparring buddy caught me with a good ashi barai, unfornately he swept me right next to the wall and I went head first through it. The wall was fixed the next day, but my concussion didn't go away for awhile.

"The true essence of karate, the perfection or ideal for which we strive, cannot be expressed or passed on through the spoken or written word. It is intangible in nature"

Chojun Miyagi

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Nope But I did kick someone though a wall one time. Same deal you are talking about. I caught the guy with a spinning back kick and it lifted him up, as he went back and hit the wall (between two 2x4's and went right though) LOL Bad part was we had to pay for the wall lol. Still a good story.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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During my first year in the arts, my sensei taught in the living room of his small duplex apartment. There were maybe 10-12 people crowded in there. We had monthly "sheet rocking partys" to repair, or replace the sheet rock that we had damaged due to falling into while fighting. Fortunately, my sensei and his senior student were carpenters and good at that sort of thing.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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At my karate school we had 1 student put 2 holes in 2 different walls in the same week. Once because he tripped and the other he was pushed during sparing. Both times it was only his heal that went into the wall but the holes are still there to this day. We plan to fix them when we get ready to paint the whole school.

"It's not whos right, but whos left!"

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I did one with my heel when running up and down the dojo doing a warm up drill.

I did another when I fell backward during sparing.

I once kicked a bag so hard it swung up into the ceiling and broke the plaster board.

M kendo sensei stabed a hold in a wall with a shinai.

That's all I can remember for now.

Edit: and once in my youth my brother and I were wrestleing and I pushed him into a wall and his bum went right through it. We hastily patched it up before the parents got home. The perfect crime.

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I tried to break a wooden wall once. I must have kicked it where it was reinforced. I actually tore the ball of my foot in two and had to have it stitched back together. :bawling:

What works works

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