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I think i bruised my heel or achlies. The pain goes from the bottome of my heel to the middle of my achlies. It hurts really really bad what should i do?? I have iced for a week. crutchs?

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Hey, you should go see a doctor, my brother had pains like this, and it turned out his bones were growing too fast for his muscles in his legs, it wasnt overly serious, pretty painful though i think, the doctor made him stretch alot each day, and after a while it came good.

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this could be a range of things raning from achilies tendonitus (inflamation of the achilies tendon) to a stress fracture in your heel.

either way see a doctor or sports physician straight away

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The achilles tendon starts from the bottom middle of the foot, and blends into the calf muscles to anchor them. If you have pain, even after icing for a week, definitely get it checked out. You could have tendonitis (Inflammation of the sheath covering the tendon), a possible tear/small rupture, bruise, any number of things from mild to serious.

When you go in for the appointment, try and remember everything you did right before it started hurting. The more history you have, the better diagnosis/treatment regimen the doc can make.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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