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4 Pack Abs 101 (Help)


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I basically need a written guide to getting 4 pack abs. Why not go 6 packs? Because I dont think i have the will to go there, so I will start small.. maybe even 2 packs would be fine.

I am 16, going to be 17 in 18 Days. I weight 147 -150 (ranging between there) I am 5'8.

I need to know workout routines, how many times in a day, how many days in a week. What should my nutriional plan be. I know cardio is involved, but how much do I need to exercise?

Basically, I need the info down to the bone. Ive been researching and im getting confused. So my last alternative was to ask the people who have actually been through this and has the knowledge to guide me in the right direction.

I read the FAQ but i dont think im getting enough information. I get easilly confused when reading on "how to-do" workouts. Basically I need a visual of someone doing it.

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its all about the layer of fat above your abs, and if you wanna know its 8 that comes naturally, not 6. A 2 pack im not sure, but 4, yes, it happens.


if the sticky post didnt help you then i dunno what to tell you. you'll have more insight perhaps at forums.menshealth.com

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence thus, is not an act, but a habit. --- Aristotle

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fot starters you need to find another website as this is a Martial Arts site.

but a few pointers to keep you going.

1 you have to put the work in, those adverts promising you 'rock hard abs with 5 mins a day' are rubbish

2 to build muscle, you need to have a rest day after a hard workout, this is so the body rebuilds itself stronger. ie 3/4 times a week.

3 i would also recomend aerobic exersise, in the form of running or biking or swimming, 30-40 mins a time 3 or 4 times a week. remeber the rest days so your body can repair itself. this will help you to loose any excess weight which is covering your abs.

4 as for diet, sorry i am just as confused all i can suggest for now, is balance, eat a bit of everything, and layoff the fizzy drinks, sweets, and macdonalds (etc)

If you have just read the above message and agree with it then you may worship me as the best thing since sliced bread.

Of course if you don't agree then hey, i'm a crazed lunatic and you should ignore my insane ramblings.

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I agree with the rest of my collegues. I don't know about 4 pack abs, but with a proper diet, excersize/ and rest, you should start to see results in 6-8 weeks. Good luck.

"The journey of a 1,000 miles starts with but a single step."

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1 you have to put the work in, those adverts promising you 'rock hard abs with 5 mins a day' are rubbish

2 to build muscle, you need to have a rest day after a hard workout, this is so the body rebuilds itself stronger. ie 3/4 times a week.

3 i would also recomend aerobic exersise, in the form of running or biking or swimming, 30-40 mins a time 3 or 4 times a week. remeber the rest days so your body can repair itself. this will help you to loose any excess weight which is covering your abs.

4 as for diet, sorry i am just as confused all i can suggest for now, is balance, eat a bit of everything, and layoff the fizzy drinks, sweets, and macdonalds (etc)

1) Good advice

2) Almost good advice, you can actually work the abs almost every day without adverse effects.

3) Also good advice

4) There are numerous other posts on here on basic good nutrition, spend some time looking through them.

Basically, the abdominals are a sheet of muscles that run from your lower ribcage area down to the pubis bone in the hips. Their function is to curl the torso forward (Such as trying to curl into a ball.) The old style situps where the body stays straight work the upper quads more than anything.

Where you get the "6 pack" effect is because of the connective tissue that helps hold the abdominals in. There is one that runs straight down the center, and then 2-3 that run across the middle horizontally. That is what forms the depressions, and the ab muscle "sticking out" around the connective tissue gives you the pack effect.

You might already have 6 pack abs, (Fairly likely since you are in MA), but you may need to strip away the fat covering them to be able to see them better.

Spot reduction is a myth. Your body puts fat on in a certain order (Varies by individual), and takes it off in reverse order. So, if you get a spare tire first, then a flabby butt, then a 2nd or third chin, you will lose the chins first, the butt second, and the tire last.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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Like has been said if your in alright shape already, its mostly down to just losing that layer of fat over the top of it - which is why everyone suggests the aerobic exercise

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2 to build muscle, you need to have a rest day after a hard workout, this is so the body rebuilds itself stronger. ie 3/4 times a week.

2) Almost good advice, you can actually work the abs almost every day without adverse effects.


i didnt know that.....will have to take that into account.....

which do you think are the best exercises, if you could only do one or two?

at the moment i do full old style situps, and legraises. and i have heard that half sit ups are more efficient

If you have just read the above message and agree with it then you may worship me as the best thing since sliced bread.

Of course if you don't agree then hey, i'm a crazed lunatic and you should ignore my insane ramblings.

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i didnt know that.....will have to take that into account.....

which do you think are the best exercises, if you could only do one or two?

at the moment i do full old style situps, and legraises. and i have heard that half sit ups are more efficient

"Old style" situps are not that useful for building abs. If your torso isn't curling into a ball, you aren't really hitting the upper abdominals at all. Old style situps will minorly work the lower abs, but they mostly work the upper quads, since bending at the hip is a function of the quadriceps.

I like to either lay on a swiss ball and curl up, or lay on my back with my legs on a chair and curl up. (If you bend your hips and knees, you cannot use your quads. They cross both joints, so if you bend at both joints, they can't function except for some stabilization.) Basically anything that curls your upper body into a ball and/or rotates your torso side to side will work the abs and obliques (Side of the waist, makes those cool diagonal muscles)


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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