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I'm quite newbie at karate so I want to ask you for an advice. I'm 17 and I'm in shidokan karate only 2 months and I'd like to improve my kicks and punches to became a great fighter :D What kind of trainings should I do ?

My sport shape is quite good.

At the time being I'm trying to do everything at home what I learn at class.

Anyway, any suggestions ?

"Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice"

- Samurai maxim

"If you know the art of breathing you have the strength, wisdom and courage of ten tigers"

- Chinese adage

You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot defeat him without taking the offensive.

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Practice, practice, practice. Becoming well rounded is a lifestyle, there isn't really an end to it.

Train your bagwork religiously, do cardio often, work out anaerobically on the days you aren't doing cardio. What exactly do you want? Search around on the forums for different topics - theres been coverage of most topics you could have questions about.

The game of chess is much like a swordfight; you must think before you move.

Practice, practice, practice. Becoming well rounded is a lifestyle, there isn't really an end to it.

Train your bagwork religiously, do cardio often, work out anaerobically on the days you aren't doing cardio. What exactly do you want? Search around on the forums for different topics - theres been coverage of most topics you could have questions about.

Well I'd like to improve my kicks with legs and punches. But I'd like to do it without any equipment because I don't have any... What is the most effective way to do it ?

I found some good advice in this forum but if you can give me some more of them I would be really greatful

"Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice"

- Samurai maxim

"If you know the art of breathing you have the strength, wisdom and courage of ten tigers"

- Chinese adage

You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot defeat him without taking the offensive.


You don't need equipment to improve your kicks. Just a lot of practice. Sure a heavy bag would help but after just only two months of training just keep practicing. And when you practice punches never lock you elbow out while you are punching air. Same for the knees - never let them lock out while kicking air.


Focus on your technique with your kicks. Once you have the proper form down, you can speed it up.

The game of chess is much like a swordfight; you must think before you move.

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