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How sick/hurt have you been during a test?

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I think I broke my toe today during my yellow belt test. I say "I think" because I heard a snap, and it hurts. Another student was demonstrating a maneuver and I was punching in. Unfortunately, us both being white belts and uncoordinated, our feet ended up in the same place but her ankle was stronger than my 2nd little toe. SNAP. There was even a little blood, probably from a toenail (I hope). She appologized and we laughed it off. :lol: I was just careful from that point on not to kick anything in such a way that would bring anything else in direct contact with that toe.

From what I understand there's not much I can do about a broken toe except be careful not to reinjure it.

BTW, I passed even with a broken/injured toe. :karate:

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Congrads :)

Anyways, my first test in TSD, I broke my middle finger. We were doing one steps or drills (don't really remember which), but I went to block a kick and my hand was open (bad idea). I blocked the kick too quick and jammed my finger against the other girl's leg. I felt my finger "snap" and it really hurt after that. But I finished the test and passed.

Other than that, I felt like I was going to puke a few times, and I had a few jammed toes, and pulled hammies (all not during tests though).

Laurie F

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It's funny how different styles go faster than others. I used to think my dojo tested too fast, until my friends started TKD and I saw how often they tested. It was over twice as fast as our testing! lol! MMACHAMP, how many belts in your system?

Wow.... broken toes and fingers! OW!!!!!! :x :o

DORKS HAVE MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu goes like this: white-blue-purple-brown-black. And its a really really long period of time. On average around like 8-9 years to be certified black belt by a Gracie. But atleast you'll know these guys are actual black belts...they have had to dedicate so much time to it. When i started grappling i was 8 years old, my dad had a leather furniture store with my uncle and i would be there like everyday afterschool....the next building over was Reylson Gracie Jiu Jitsu...so i just started going there...it took me till i was around 11 just to get my blue belt.

Black belt? Yes i have a black belt but that belt only covers 2 inches of my butt. The rest i got to cover on my own.

Royce Gracie - Jiu-jitsu master

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When I tested for my green belt, I got so hot and so over heated from the testing that I had to take a cold shower and soak in the bath tub to try to cool off. Took 24 hours to cool me down.

1st Kyu Brown Belt

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i tore my left claf muscle the night before my forst ever grading. i just took a few pain killers and did the test no problem, but the next day i could hardly walk abnd it took 8 weeks before it got better lol

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When testing for Sankyu ... I was the puncher for a person testing for Yonkyu and he managed, somehow, to catch the side of my hand with a block and dislocated my thumb. I had to finish punching at him then do my test with said dislocated thumb.

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I'm going to move this to the Health, Training & Fitness forum.

As for myself...I almost always get sick during the sparring portions of tests, tournaments, and all-day sparring get-togethers. Combination of nerves, excitement, exhaustion, upset stomach (due to the fact that I know I'm going to get sick, so I don't eat that morning, so I end up dry heaving which just hurts), etc.

One time during a test I threw up right in the middle of a sparring match with a 2nd degree. I instinctively put my hand (therefore: glove) in front of my mouth, because I didn't want the mats to get all disgusting. Then all of the instructors told me to keep fighting, so I did, and then I punched the blackbelt I was fighting with my nasty glove, without even thinking about it. He wasn't too happy with me. :lol:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

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When I went to grade for my 3rd kyu, I had a fever and was still recovering from the flu. I also had tendonitis in my shoulder. I truely felt pathetic. I had to fight and defend with my weak side ( I could hardly move the other shoulder). I also had to rely on technique as I was feeling weak at the time.

To this day the others I graded with said I was more relaxed and focused

than they had ever remembered. Their description of my fighting that night was ....Brutal!!! :brow:

Go Figure????

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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I did my 5th kyu test after having pneumonia and some other serious health issues. After I managed to get off the floor without collapsing I promised myself that I would never again test while I was that weak.

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