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Anyone ever trained with cracked ribs?**updated**

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I am waiting on x-ray results to see if I have cracked ribs, (yes it happened during karate) :wink: We have a tournament coming up on Saturday, it is the first one our club has ever gone to and I was nervously looking forward to it. I suppose if my ribs are cracked, I am out of sparring definately? it hurts to breathe right now, I am unable to go to the gym, do housework, etc. Even kata hurts a bit...I guess I've just answered my own question havent' I...I would be nuts to go into the sparring competition and risk further injury...has anyone ever gone to karate practice with injured ribs? Just wondering...

Edited by rivergirl
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Can't say that I have. However, it would be ill advised to have any further contact to that area. Only time will heal you, and you already know that. Get better and in no time you'll be back at it again :brow:

By the way, welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay :karate:


Mind of Mencia

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It will get better, unfortunately there isnt much that can be done about the ribs, I have had mine cracked before, and I even have some bruised right now. I also have a tournament this saturday and its gonna be rough with bruised ribs, cracked ones would be pretty hardcore. You might want to not fight and hopefully you'll feel well enough to do at least your kata, if not then I wouldnt try to push it, you might cause further injury

"Whatever you do, do from the heart, as for the Lord and not for others. -Colossians 3:23

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I took my 3rd Dan test with a cracked rib! Got in trouble for not revealing it ahead of time too. Quite painful, especially during groundfighting and sparring! It definitely made for a fullfilling experience though !! :brow:


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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I just got my test results, it's not cracked, thankfully! My ribs are still killing me, but hopefully they'll be ok to go into the tournament on Saturday...thanks for all the replies!

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Good luck, rivergirl! Let us know how it goes!


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"Circumstances make me who I am."

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Poor you!I can totaly simpathize .while i was sparring last week I got punched in the chest realy hard.We took x-rays and its not broken but man does it hurt same as you hard to breath or even move around.anyways if you can breath ok I'd say do kata but I wouldn't recomend sparring.

P.S.My doctor told me that allmost 90% of cracked ribs don't show on x-ray because of the angle that they crack.she said that the only way to realy tell is time.If it starts feeling better within several weeks then its not broken.If it is broken the pain will last for 2 months:(

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, a spirit of power, and of self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

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Another way to check is to have someone gently squeeze your rib cage sideways, below the armpits... Pain is indicator of a possible fracture.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

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