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:D I passed ... YELLOW BELT in Bosnia that is 5. KYU... I had to do:

Teki Yoko Shodan

Hean Shodan

age uke

soto uke

gyaku tsuki

oy tsuki

gedan barai

mae geri

Judges: II DAN, IV DAN and VII DAN...

Comments :karate:

https://www.crazyneddo.tk - Karate,katas,informations...
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Congratulations! It seems like you had to do quite a bit! Wear your new belt well! :)


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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i also did my blue belt test..2nd Kyu in Bosnia..

I'm in club called Bosna..

We did


Bassai Dai

Kanku Dai


Gedan Barai

Kizami Tsuki

Gyaki Tsuki

Mae Geri

Mawashi Geri

Ura-Mawashi Geri

Ushiro Geri

Soto Uke

Ude Uke


Moroto Uke

And various combination of these..

And Kumite,full sparring

Spirit first, technique second

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what is the belt order in shotokan ??? ( have no time to do a search )

Moon might shine upon the innocent and the guilty alike

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Congratulations. :karate:

I think your belt system is similar to ours (Italy):


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Momci čestitam :) ( Congratulation boys ).

I have soon to pass my yellow belt ( 7.kyu ) from ryukyu kempo. Just passed the 8.kyu couple of weeks ago :karate:

Kempo Arnis Slovenia - Training under sensei Borut Kincl begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting ( 6. DAN RKK, 1.DAN Modern arnis ... )

Blab of Buyseech - My blog for Martial Arts and Marketing

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