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im in a McDojo!!

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im starting to think im in a mcdojo,

ive been training with my sensei for about 10 years, i transfered from another school as my previous instructor decided to brake 3 of my ribs when i beat him sparring (i was 13!)

i moved schools becouse the new instructor seemed professional and really into the art (wado ryu karate) but recently ive noticed some strange things:

1/ after 30 years in karate hes decided to start teaching kickboxing instead,

2/ when asking him about kata he always says "ask later. im busy" (hes a 5th dan!)

3/ hes cancelled hes clubs outside hes full time studio, leaving me the only person in his school teaching traditional karate

4/ hes cut down my classes to only 2 hours a week for grades white belt to advanced dan

plus the usual increase in prices, the pushing of inferior unneccasary equipment for higher prices etc.

some advice would be nice, should i stick it out and see what happens or run and find a new school before i lose all love for the arts?

thanks in advance

sticks and stones may break my bones, but i am trained to kill you.

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He doesn't sound like a responsible and serious instructor. In my opinion, I think you should go elsewhere where people are a little more serious and dedicated. If you honestly think you can't learn any more from him, but possibly can at another dojo, then leave for the other dojo.

"Beware the fury of a patient man."

- John Dryden

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I agree. It sounds as though your instructor is trying to switch from a karate school to a kickboxing school. The only reason he still has karate is cause you still teach it. Better to move to a new school where you will be respected and trained by your instructor.

Long Live the Fighters!

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Yep, definitely seems you should get out there like tufrthanu said only reason he's still got karate is u...

The transfer to kickboxing does seem a bit strange ....

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Yes I agree with the other posters, the approch and the interest of you sensei changed. If you don't like the change it's time for you to leave.

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I wouldn't say McDojo here...I would say burned out, looking for a change, hoping to score it big in the kick-boxing craze. I would find a new school...and even switch styles if I had to.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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interesting... My input would have to be, try a new art, it might be time any way, and this may be the perfect opertunity. Its always good to learn anew, and a fresh beginning might be just the right medicine.

*do not strive to aquire what you want, but strive to want what you have already aquired*

*DO not strive to win, but strive to improve*

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