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united studios of self defense (USSD)

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i went to a ussd school for about 6 months or so...

long story but i was a brown belt who should have tested for black but wasnt for political reasons (told to me by other black belts, as well as all the parents and studetns telling me i should be tested)

anyways, so i finally got fed up with the promise of testing only to not have it fullfilled, and went to find another school

i went to a ussd school, as i said, i was somewhat happy with it, at first

he decided after my first private lesson to put me at blue belt rank, but let me keep my belt till my next test

about two or so months after i started, i tested for blue green or blue brown, whatever it is...

anyways, i was rushed so faster memorizing alllllllllll that stuff up to bluegreen/brown, that i couldnt remember hardly any of it on the test

because im short, and they lined us up by rank AND hight, i was in the back, with the like 14 year old boys, they had to remind me of a few things, and i faked my way through a lot

not a single person noticed

i was very unhappy with this, but it was my instructors decision to rank me up, and i had done my absolute best to memorize the material

when i switched schools, i had been teaching for about two years (yes i know under black belt teacher, but lets not get into that discussion)

as an experianced teacher, i was unsatisfied with his instruction

i spoke with him about it, he asked waht i would change, and i gave him a few pointers, he agreed with all of them, and implimented one on the next class...sad to tell ur own instructor how to teach better :/

ok, then there was the fact that i way outclassed other students in many things, and it was very obvious, things that they were working hard on, was like doing a front kick to me, sorry to say but it gets kinda borring

as well, they tried to change my stances, which i didnt like, ofc it was a different style, so i did my best

i asked to be able to help out in the kids class, and i was told no, even though he knew about my instructing background

i was told that until i went to the instructors college that i would not be able to help out with any classes or teaching

i heard about how the instructors college worked, and it sounded brilliant, so i got an appointment with the head guy in the area about it

my instructor wouldnt tell me how much it was exactly, so i found out when i was there

it is 12,000 dollars in my area

on the one hand, i would get a lot of training, on the other, i didnt know at all before hand what exactly i would be buying, as well as i already had a lot of experiance in instructing, whereas the others would not have

when i left, i was charged because i broke the contract or hwatever...

anyways, i finally went back to my old school, which about a month later was bought by one of the owners students, went back to teaching, regained what i had lost (even though i was practicing a lot, i lost some of my techniques and power etc), and was tested up to black about 6 months later, once the school was more settled....

ok that was a lot of information, but it is my brief experiance with ussd

high price per month

bad testing

poor instruction

expencive school to learn teaching

fee's for breaking ur contract

lower level of skill

also, we have students who have come to us from ussd, i was informed by a parent (so this is heresay)

parents cannot stay and watch

her son(who was brand new) was in a class of many many students who were up to brown(while this may work in some cases, it did not here)

cannot know the instructors first names

so...i dont like ussd much, though some schools are good, or so i hear from my instructor, and they do produce some good students

sorry for the long post, but i thought it was best to explain how i came to this opinion

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rateh, I've notice how people at nUSSD get pushed throw the ranks. If you dont know you stuff doesn't matter you get your belt anyway. A lot of red belts runing schools( ussd has growen to big and not enough qualified people to run schools.

They tried to sell me the college for $15,000 one class a week with some 2nd degree and somtimes a 4th dgree. I told them I need to think about it. AKA need to find a real school not some hack job that only cares about money. I hate black belt factory.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Anybody hear of instructor get promoted do to a successful school? I was just wondering if villari or mattera did that ? Or did they just promote you for martial arts skill not buesness skill?

I have heard from my friends that this common amongst USSD/VILLARIS SCHOOLS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't blame my instructor for leaving that orginzation. He does his own shaolin Kempo school but at the time there as no Villari support back in 97 in metro pheonix, arizona area. So he did his own thing instead of being part of the Villari org. Is in my opinion alot more sucessful for it too

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I was doing a search on USSD and I stumbled across this forum. I thought I'd throw in my two cents.

I think USSD being such a large company it's easy to miss the trees in the forest. Although each individual follows the set curriculum of the company, I think many of the schools have worthwhile instructors and very good training. It all depends on who your chief instructor is.

I am a black belt with USSD and I'll tell you first hand, I worked my butt off for 6 years to earn it. No one passed me along, no one sent me up to test just because I thought I was ready, and no one handed belts to me. But, that was at my studio. My instructor has a very high work ethic and standard and recognizes that every student he sends up to headquarters to test represents himself. Not all owners/ instructors/ high ranks are like that. But that can be true with any style or studio.

I just think it would be wise to not categorize every studio in this company as a McBelt shop. I appreciate my studio and the private instruction I’ve had. My goal was to learn to defend myself and I feel closer to that goal after every lesson. Ask yourself what your goal is, and check out the studio (regardless of the company) to see if they can help you achieve your goal.

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